Topic: Micheal Lynch photos **** Viewer Discretion Advised!****
He are some photos from Michael's big midwest adventure!
Michael's one thing to see in Chicago - The Sears Tower
Put your sunglasses on! Those are some white legs!
Fly fishing lessons at Mary's Prarie
Getting the hang of beating the water in search of fish!
Enough of the fishing - bring on the guns and ammo! (I was too busy shooting the .38 to get any photos of Michael shooting - sorry!)
Aren't the white ear protectors cute? lol
Michael and his new "special friend" Miss Suzie-kin and my son Robby
Here he is on our private tour at Onondaga Cave
After all that shootin' and caveing he has worked up an appetite, and brings the video camera....
It all looks so good...I think I will have one of everything!
Why are you taking my photo? Hurry up - I want to eat!
Stop taking my photo!!
Dinner at Dick's (D*i*c*k'*s) Last Resort before the House of Blues show. Read the hat - the waitress put this on his head and he had no idea what is said!
It is time for me to say goodbye - a 10 hour drive for me to get back home. It was a quiet ride home...:(
I had a great time!
Michael has a lot of video and I am sure he will have some clips posted soon.
I hope to see you sometime again here in the midwest!