Nico has been suspiciously quiet about being on stage with his Joe; I'm not sure if he's still stunned into silence or if he figured that such a thing was as it should be, thus no big deal, or if perhaps he fears it all was actually all just a figment of his imagination. In my state of disbelief as it was happening, I did manage to snap two pics & got prints made & framed them. Now he sets those up on both sides of the TV as he puts in the DVD and does his Joe thing, or he sets them up in front of the CD player if he's doing an audio-only Joe thing; both occur daily, usually more than twice. Prior to this, I didn't think he could become more of an obsessed fan than he already was! Your pics came out really good, though, Rhonda, so I look forward to getting prints made of those. Thank you very much for offering them.
"The Blues is like a tonic for all that ails you." BB King
Rock ON & Keep the Faith!