Topic: Anyone come across Adrian Levy?

Anyone into this guy?

He's Norah Jones right hand man, guiit player and songwriter.

Superb player- really classically rock/country/blues.

Liking both Norah and he a lot at the moment.

"Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips...."

JB LP Goldtop No. 290- Aged...rather like me.

2 (edited by Curby 2011-02-10 00:57:57)

Re: Anyone come across Adrian Levy?

I checked him out and glad for the shout.  Norah has always surrounded herself with superior musicians.  What surprised me most is he's a pretty good singer.  Thanks.
While lookng into Levy  came across an artist he produced named Charlie Wood and this is a real find.  The name of the album is Flutter and Wow.  Here's some info about the artist and album and btw Adam Levy plays some fine guitar here.

Re: Anyone come across Adrian Levy?

Jakey - It's Adam not Adrian.