How about this:
Take a favorite CD and learn it completely. Note-For-Note, start to finish. No skipping past anything. And, Memorize it. Be able to recreate it.
If you decide to do this, be sure to pick a real "Classic" album. One of the all-time favorites, with a great reputation.
Don't just pick your 'current favorite.
I did this years ago with the Allman Brothers Live At The Fillmore double album.
Went through (literally) 5 or 6 copies, before I got it all. (Albums got ruined with the slowing them down, and playing the same parts over and over, etc.!)
And this experience was/has been invaluable to me over the last 26 years or so.
Another tack:
Buy Doug Doppler's DVD "Diatonic Theory And Harmony" and learn all of it. It's a great workoout, and teaches (in a very hand's on way!) all the "Basics" of Music Theory.
Highly recommended.
I teach full time, and if you're going overseas as a soldier? I'll be glad/proud to help you in any way I can. So, PM me, if you want.
Early 80's 1957 U.S. Vintage Reissue Stratocaster (Surf Green)-Warmouth Soloist Pearly Gates Neck, Pearly Gates Bridge- Larrivee D-03 (Mahogany/ Spruce)
Carmen Ghia Head- Marshall 112 Cab W/G12H 30 or Custom 4 X 6v6 Head or Budda Twinmaster Plus Head-Traynor 212 Cab w/Eminence Texas Heats.
Mo'D-Eternity-Blues Pro- Timmy-BYOC Chorus/Vibrato- TC SCF- Korg DT 10 Pedal Tuner