Topic: dsl volume

I gigged my dsl 50 last night with the recomended settings, could only get the volume up to 5 and boy was it loud,it rocked great sound. My boss od gave me enough boost to get over the other guitarist for soloing,must change that pedal though not the right sound. How does joe stand in front of 2 dsl 100's with both on 6-7 cause my ears are still ringing.

Re: dsl volume

Were you using a baffle?  lol  If not, then  DAYUM your ears must hurt  yikes The pieces of plexi-glass in front of Joe's amps prevent your ears from bleeding, as Joe says,  lol  and it depends how close you were to your amp, as a lot of touring artists have the room to stand well in front of their amps...

Jamming with Joe and Bernie Marsden:

3 (edited by mbcl 2010-08-28 04:48:44)

Re: dsl volume

Joe uses a baffle and the volume control on his guitar. Amps need to be cranked up to get the best out of them. If you are in small venue with big amps try turning the cabs around, this can work very well depending on room acoustics.

mart-prs wrote:

I gigged my dsl 50 last night with the recomended settings, could only get the volume up to 5 and boy was it loud,it rocked great sound. My boss od gave me enough boost to get over the other guitarist for soloing,must change that pedal though not the right sound. How does joe stand in front of 2 dsl 100's with both on 6-7 cause my ears are still ringing.

Re: dsl volume

cool video thats something youl never forget. Tried a home made plastic baffle about a year ago with a combo, it only cut the volume a little bit and the bass player said i sounded muffled and the drummer complained all he could hear was me cause the sound was bouncing back at him.

Re: dsl volume

The idea of a baffle is to stop the sound from flattening the crowd. You need to experiment with distance and height. Should make no difference to other members of the band unless you are not using monitors.
Imagine being in the front rows at  Joe gig without baffles, ear bleeding would commense.

mart-prs wrote:

cool video thats something youl never forget. Tried a home made plastic baffle about a year ago with a combo, it only cut the volume a little bit and the bass player said i sounded muffled and the drummer complained all he could hear was me cause the sound was bouncing back at him.