Topic: One hell of a set-up...
The band and I were recording today, with our new producers to record a couple of tracks to send off to... Pretty much everyone
Labels, magazines, etc etc... So we did a basic rhythm guitar part, and a vocal part to start with. For the main recording, I had my PRS Se custom, my Marshall Dsl combo, and a crybaby wah... But for the scratch track, I played through our producers gear. It was only till we listened back to the proper drum tracks with the two basic parts, that I realised how GORGEOUS the tone was (didnt hear the guitar part initially, as I was'nt coming through the soundboard at the time). I'm actually thinking of using this set-up for my main recording, rather than cheaper gear, as it was just to die for
All it was, was a 1992 Les Paul Standard (with the nicest cherry flame I'd ever seen ) straight into a Marshall handwired 1974X Combo ( this was the secret, it's really an amazing amp! ) , which then went to an external 4 x 12 marshall 'B' cab, mic'ed up with what I think was an SM57,,, or a 58...
The result: Heaven Gonna toy around with what else is there tomorrow, but I'd never been so happy with a tone in the studio ever...
One happy guitarist...