Topic: Blackface Bassman versatility ?
Hey guys a buddy of mine is looking into getting 1967 bassman, we were just wondering on how versatile the are. We play a lot of Allman Brothers, Clapton, And Peter Green. He has a 4x12 cab loaded with scumback M75 speakers. Do they except overdrive pedals well, fulltone fulldrive 2. He's also looking to get that tea for one tone but I don't think that thats possible with out a marshall. If you guys have ever had any experience with these just tell me what you think of them. Thanks
Amp- 1967 fender vibrolux reverb
Effects- Ibanez TS-808, BBE Two Timer, BBE Soul Vibe, Vox V847, Dunlop Hendrix Fuzz Face, Tonebender MKII, BK Butler Tube Driver.