Topic: buy a guitar.. get 3 other instruments free!

saw joe last night at sheperds bush, and despite the venue the show was staggering... people should be prescribed him on the NHS! lol being a guitar player myself his playing obviously took my breath away.. my question is...
how on earth does he make his guitar sound like all those other instruments?! i mean apart from the obvious fact that it was run through a marshall.. at times it sounded like a violin, then a clarinet, and then a oboe! i mean thats just pure madness! lol if anyone can give me any hints on how to manage the violin thing i would be greatly appriciative!


Re: buy a guitar.. get 3 other instruments free!

Joe explains and shows how to do the "violin thing" on his Signature Sounds, Styles & Techniques DVD.  It's all in the volume knob.  Takes some practice, but there's really not much to it.  You'll definately want to check out this DVD though!  It's alway fun to see how a great player can make something rather simple seem so cool.

Re: buy a guitar.. get 3 other instruments free!

he amazed me last night, playing faster and more accurate than anyone ive ever seen before... and that was on an acoustic! he missed a fret when he played really quiet though.. u could only just hear it.. u should have seen his face.. he was really miffed at himself!
cheers though.. i guess i need to spend some money then sad

Re: buy a guitar.. get 3 other instruments free!

juice up the chorus, delay, and some overdrive - and sound it out with the volume control on your guitar.  Its not as easy as I stated, but you get better (like anything) the more you practice.  Line6's green delay pedal box has a swell that does something similar.

- Nic from Detroit... posting on JB's Forum since 6-2-2006
Ask me about my handwound Great Lakes Guitar Pickups
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Re: buy a guitar.. get 3 other instruments free!

well atm im playing through a Gibson SG and a Traynor YCV40T (its all tube, about 40 watts and runs on 6L6s...) and if i crank the gain and play about with the volume i seem to get the general ideal.. im off in holiday for ten days on monday though so sat by a lake with an acoustic... doing some songwriting stuff will  be good. thanks for the help.... any more will be greatly appriciated


Re: buy a guitar.. get 3 other instruments free!

Blues.....the key is lots of volume and start with the knob on the guitar all the way off....not sure if the other guys mentioned that.  Oh yeah.....LOTS of practice would help also!  Joe's the best at this technique in the biz.

one of the keys to Joe's varied tones is that he uses his volume AND tone knobs....due to capacitance and all that mumbo jumbo it can vary the sound of the guitar widely. Most guitar players forsake these knobs...turn them up all the way and use a volume pedal....not volume pedal on his board at all.


"why isn't the number "11" pronounced "onety one"???....S. Wright.