Topic: Joe's soloing

Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on maybe what scales to practice, or what scales Joe might be using?

Re: Joe's soloing

A good starting point would be pentatonic scales ( major and minor ), the natural minor scale, the mixolydian and dorian modes...

Try picking up some examples from Joe's playing style and analyze them. Then change them around and make them you own.

Re: Joe's soloing

Pentatonic +

Gits: '03 Gibson Historic R7 Goldtop, '06 Gibson R8 Plaintop, MIJ '62 RI Strat,  and others...
Amps: '99 Marshall 1987x Plexi RI, 1969 Fender Super Reverb

My band:

Re: Joe's soloing

Check youtube for a video of Shawn Lane talking about pentatonics and how to seperate them into blocks of 3 notes, 4 notes, 5 notes and 6 notes. I think this covers a lot of the approach that Joe uses for his pentatonic stuff.

Re: Joe's soloing

Give these a shot. Also, notice how the various C and Am Chords fit into the different Pentatonic (5Note per Octave) Positions.



Early 80's 1957 U.S. Vintage Reissue Stratocaster (Surf Green)-Warmouth Soloist  Pearly Gates Neck, Pearly Gates Bridge- Larrivee D-03 (Mahogany/ Spruce)
Carmen Ghia Head- Marshall 112 Cab W/G12H 30  or  Custom 4 X 6v6 Head  or  Budda Twinmaster Plus Head-Traynor 212 Cab w/Eminence Texas Heats. 
Mo'D-Eternity-Blues Pro- Timmy-BYOC Chorus/Vibrato- TC SCF- Korg DT 10 Pedal Tuner