Topic: When no one else can help...I need to hire the JB team...
I could use a hand...I've got myself in a pickle...and get out of the pickle. (bare with me on this post)
I have finally got to the two amp setup - Orange Rockerverb w/KT88s on one side for my Marshall/hot-rod Marshall tone and a Bruce Zinky custom Mofo (Tonemaster guy) for my Fendery/other heavy sounds on the other.
Running the Orange through a few different cabs here and there, but settling on an Orange 2x12 this week (with V30s for now, just to get me up and running) and the Zinky will run through my THD 2x12 w/Celestion G12 Centuries. (easy on the back and very loud).
I still don't understand this whole thing about the best way to have a two amp setup....I mean, what should I go for?
I'm looking at the Whirlwind Selector and the Lehle 1@3 (I can afford it)...but here comes the annoying bit I'm not sure on...
Now I want a delay running on the Zinky side and (for now budget wise) I will use the out-of-control reverb on the Orange (the Joe style).
The Lehle says it has an output that can act as a loop - but how may this work? OR what are my other options as for running pedals into amps without loops?
Also...could I have advice on ground loops...does the Lehle stop this (from what little I understand from the description). Do I need to worry about this?
...if you think it comes down to it, please feel free to mention other amps to buy that may be better for a two amp setup. Although the Zinky is only 1of100 in the world and BFG owns I don't want to get rid of it! It sounds good, but I think I'll have to get a nice valve change for it, sounds a bit harsh. For 60w...this eats the Orange's 140+w. (also have the Orange upgraded, to make the PCB stylings more roadworthy, plus KT88s running hot are sounding sweet...ramble, ramble, ramble....anyway - I hope you can help, guys!