Ok It's been a sobering week and week end. Went to work on Friday and was out of my element, somewhat. Looked at some technical stuff and scratched my head. Whoa.
I've had band mates and some composers wanting me to get back into it with them. I didn't really have that burning desire. After I went to a piano recital where my daughter just blew the roof of tne community center, whatever wall I had up on my emotions came crashing down. I didn't even know it was there. MsTia blew out 3 hankies.
So I went straight into my garage/studio and my fingers wouldn't work. I was fuzzy headed on arrangements, too. Once I sat down and eased up a bit, it got a little smoother. Then my hands and forearms started hurting. I could sing a little but I had to make up the words. I've got 4 tunes I owe people bass parts or arrangements for and can't concentrate yet.
A guitar player friend (gasp) from my last band is a firefighter. He has experience with head trauma. He said I was a month ahead of some people recovering from trauma/concussions, so I should stop with the impatience. OK.
I just came back from a hotroom yoga and now nothing works. I'm in so much pain, but it's the healing kind. Every injury or scar I ever had is on fire. But it's good. And they showed me love. MuchLove.
It's just work and I'm willing to do it. I see even more now. I see how & why some people who take a hit, might drink or drug themselves to death, or die in front of the TV. Not me baby. I ain't some people.
Rock On & Keep the FAITH
It is
Blues From the Bottoms