Topic: Joe's tone on a small fortune budget? (silver jubilee substitute)
Hey guys im looking into putting together a joe style rig without having to spend $3000 dollars on a silver jubilee and an additional $5000 on a carol Anne, so I was wondering if there are any good substitutes. Im looking to get Joe's Had to cry today tone, and Dazed and Confused tone. Does he use his carol Anne in conjunction with his silver jubilee for these songs or does he use another amp? I've heard that the jcm 2000 dsl 100 is capable of producing some good silver jubilee tones, I would like to try one out this weekend and I was curious if you guys have any any experience with these, and what settings do you use or does Joe use. Ive also heard that the ceriatone hrm 100 is a great bang for your buck, have you guys had any experience with this amp as well and what did you think. Any recommendations are welcome.
My current rig is a 1960 vos les paul going into a vox wah, tc chorus, ts 808, butler tube driver, and a boss dd3.
The Blues Will Never Die!!!
Amp- 1967 fender vibrolux reverb
Effects- Ibanez TS-808, BBE Two Timer, BBE Soul Vibe, Vox V847, Dunlop Hendrix Fuzz Face, Tonebender MKII, BK Butler Tube Driver.