Re: jb's delay settings
It's a bit odd that Joe uses the 'better' modded DD-3 just for the theremin and normal stock one for his guitar. I thought it would have been the other way round. It's still great that he uses some equipment that everyone can afford. Still not sure whether to go for the Keeley version or not. Decisions, decisions.:D
If you can afford the Keeley version and are only having one DD-3 I'd go for the expensive version. The added switch lets you have the stock pedal or the keeley mods.
Re the Theramin v Guitar. The last I heard Joe uses the DD-3 in the Jubilee. The Jubilee is always complimented by one other amp so I guess it gets slightly hidden by the other amp (The DD-3). The Theramin is very bright and high, to my ear the Keeley mod stops the highs getting too bright by loosing a bit of the high end on each repeat so the mod is probably more noticeable in this situation. Just my thought.