Topic: speakers for a blues deluxe

this is probably a question asked many times, but what are peoples thoughts on sticking a vintage 30 in a blues deluxe?
think this help balance things out more than the stock speaker? i play a strat or tele into it and find sometimes it's harsh. things improved when i cranked the bass and mids and used the darker input, but i think i can get it a little better with speaker swap. i use a mid rich pedal to help with thing too.

Fender 60's Strat>Fulltone OCD V4>>TC Electronics Polytune>Orange Dual Terror>Torres 2x10 Cab(with a vintage 30 and a greenback)

Re: speakers for a blues deluxe

I dont think that would improve the brittleness with this amp imo, infact it would probably make it worse...

Alot of people recommend a Emminence Cannabisrex or a Jensen C12n.

I actually quite like the original speaker in it and I use the bright channel with a strat... but if I was going to change it i'd go the Jensen route first...

Good luck

Re: speakers for a blues deluxe

I cant speak for any other speaker I the only one I have tried was the stock cheapo emminence . (CHEAP UNITS MADE FOR FENDER BUT IN GENERAL EMMINENCE SPEAKERS ARE GOOD WELL MADE SPEAKERS) I stuck a V30 in my fender and it definately improved the harshness of  the amp, but there are alot of speakers out there. luckily you can pick them up on ebay and sell them on if they dont sound good.

"Everybody's entitled to my opinion. wink

Re: speakers for a blues deluxe

The Cannibis Rex has a hemp cone, and thats how it got the name.

I've been hearing a lot about hemp cones lately, but am unsure why that is so awesome to have.

- Nic from Detroit... posting on JB's Forum since 6-2-2006
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Re: speakers for a blues deluxe

There's a youtube vid out there showing the difference between a Tweed blues jr and one with the black Tolex. Supposedly the only difference in the two was the speaker Fender put in them. The tweed sounded alot better in my opinion, warmer. You might want to check that video out, as it goes into some more details about speakers and voicings of blues jr's.

Re: speakers for a blues deluxe

I think a V-30 is better in a closed back cabinet unless it is paired with something like a G12H Celestion in an open back 2x12 set up.  You might want to look into Weber speakers.  They can recommend a speaker that would smooth things out for you.