Topic: Witch Boss Reverb Pedal does Joe Use?

Witch Boss Reverb Pedal dose Joe use for the Carol Ann? I would assume that Joes stays away from the Dark Side and uses the Boss RV-5 Digital Reverb but I could be wrong.
Also are the DD3, TC Chorus and the Reverb all run through the effects loop of the Carol Ann?


Re: Witch Boss Reverb Pedal does Joe Use?

I use Boss REV-5 pedal reverbs.. They are great and oh so silent and reliable.  In europe its all boss in the rack.. chorus and rev pedals. In the US its a bit more posh.. TC chorus and 2290 replace the boss units.
Joe B

Re: Witch Boss Reverb Pedal does Joe Use?

There you are. smile I like Boss Reverb peds too. I used a RV-3 a long time which is also a great delay pedal.
For my HRM100 I use a Fuchs verbrator which is really fantastic.

Alex's a musical journey