bigjeffjones wrote:Shredit wrote:Obviously I didnt win ....but I never expected too.....if I ever do, you can bet I'll be visiting a few of you, and I'm paying for everything......Roy, you dont have to blackmail me, Deb knows I dont roll like that ....and besides that you snore an awfull lot
Shreddy, if you'd have kissed him real sweet and tucked him in, and told him you would wait till he got comfy & sleepy, he wouldn't have slept at all, let alone snored.
That's what I did to Lester at the fishing camp. Poor SOB stayed awake all night. One night of that racket was enough. I slept well though.
heh heh heh
Hey BJJ,
My snoring isn't that bad. Actually, Shreddy came in very early one morning because he was a bit wired to get the day going. We were all still asleep, but he figured I would like to get up at 5:30 AM. Of course, I didn't wake, so he sat there half awake guessing what animal noises I was making when I would snore. I think he was at about 20 when I finally woke up from him guessing.
And talk about snoring; One night I woke up thinking that Cliftonville was having an earthquake. I put my hand on the wall next to my bed and not only was it shaking, but I swear the room wall was moving in and out. Turned out, it was just Shreddy snoring. The other thing is, when he blows his nose, it sounds like a flock of geese are coming in for a landing. Reached for my goose gun one morning and then realized I was still in England.
Joe is the Best!