Topic: Prairie Dog Blues Festival featuring Davy Knowles and Back Door Slam..
My sister Lynn and I really had an enjoyable experience this past Saturday attending the Prairie Dog Blues Festival held on St. Feriole Island in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. The surrounding area driving to the Festival is really quite picturesque with rolling farm fields and rock outcroppings. Other than driving over a tiny bridge, one would not know that they were on an island as the area was huge with campsites in addition to the festival grounds.
We arrived around 12:30 PM and didn’t leave until well after 1:00 AM. As far as bands, we were treated to six groups and every one of them was great. The line up was:
Perry Weber and The Devilles
Dave Weld and The Imperial Flames
Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers
Johnny Rawls
Lil’ Brian and The Zydeco Travelers
Davy Knowles and Back Door Slam
Dave Weld and Jimmy Thackery really stood out both as fantastic guitar players. The group known as Lil’ Brian and The Zydeco Travelers put on a spirited show that really had many people dancing. Although I must admit, I’m not a big fan of Zydeco music, they played what they called “Funky Zydeco” and it was just as it sounds, the crowd loved it!
Each band played about 90 minutes with 30 minutes in between for change over. When the break would occur, another band would play under the beer tent on a smaller stage, so music could be heard all day long. The only bad thing was, Lil’ Brian and his band showed up about 30 minutes late and then played there full set. This meant that Davy and BDS didn’t take the stage until around 10:30 PM. However, it was again a thrilling perfromace.
Here are pictures from the day: … 937423676/
And some video from Davy Knowles and Back Door Slam:
“Come Home”
“You Don’t Love Me”
“Walk On Hot Coals”
I have a number of other videos to share, but have a bit of work to do on them. I sure hope you’re all having a summer of music like we’re having here!