Topic: EveryDay I Have the Blues

As I slowly dig out from a mountain of wet cameras and equipment, craxhed hard drives and a flooded yard, I have managed to post a coupla tune clips from the gig.

Here's one:

We lost about 6 hours worth of film due to conditions...oh well.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: EveryDay I Have the Blues


Nice song - would love to catch your band sometime.  I'm sure it was intentional, but the girl riding her bike in front of the camera had a Fellini feel to it.  A tip of the hat to the videographer!

Re: EveryDay I Have the Blues

Thank you, Curby.  That would be my son, an award winning photo/video grapher at 17.

Here's my brother:  Mr Guitar himself...

Much Blues
Big Jeff

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: EveryDay I Have the Blues

My pleasure Jane Dear.  That's an Albert Collins tune.  Thinking about another topic recently read, I might just post one of those short bass & drum solos I referred to in the other thread.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms