Re: Michael Burks...

SRV wrote:

Just wanted to remind those that are close enough to go.....the show's only a month off.....

He's playing at a blues fest in Wheeling 8/8..... … green.y=11

Jim, you think you could do some checking and find out if any bands you think are worthy are playing anywhere near ME anytime this summer and fall?  Thanks a bunch, Mr. Gig-Man.  smile

Great musicians have a language & vocabulary that transcends the usual barriers & touches us on a more primitive , basic & yet complex level....

...I'll always have London in my heart, and in my soul...

Re: Michael Burks...

Attention Gig-man..Albert Castiglia 8/18   Timeout Pub, Rockland Maine  HIGHLY recommended!!!!            Cathy


Re: Michael Burks...

Donna wrote:
SRV wrote:

Just wanted to remind those that are close enough to go.....the show's only a month off.....

He's playing at a blues fest in Wheeling 8/8..... … green.y=11

Jim, you think you could do some checking and find out if any bands you think are worthy are playing anywhere near ME anytime this summer and fall?  Thanks a bunch, Mr. Gig-Man.  smile

Mr. Gig-Man.....I guess that's better than Father Hen Roy (sorry Roy, I couldn't hep meself!!)

Sure Donna, there's a site that you type in a city, and it spits out who's playin' in the area.  I'll get back to ya.....

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell


Re: Michael Burks...

cathysiler wrote:

Attention Gig-man..Albert Castiglia 8/18   Timeout Pub, Rockland Maine  HIGHLY recommended!!!!            Cathy

Salami, salami, baloney Swami Cate!!

No can do, Robert Cray at the Palace in Greensburg penciled in on the 18th.....and I may not make that.  I'm in Spartan mode until the Dallas gig, don'tchaknow..... much as I'd like to see him (still sorry I missed the Ft. Lauderdale show...), Maine ain't exactly right up the street!!  I may be goin' to Texas, but I can't afford to make a habit of flyin' in for shows!!!

Good you put it out though.....does he have a thread in here??

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

Re: Michael Burks...

Jim..There is a thread....You are a traveling man!! You go Buddy!! I hope you make it to the Texas Summit and NOT be lead astray by Shred and the boys! I'm coming to the Pittsburgh Blues Fest with "my" band, Nothin But Trouble. I hope to see you and Jeff there. I do love my Alberts..Castiglia and Cummings..and I'm not alone. How are those beans tasting?  Cruiser Cate


Re: Michael Burks...

cathysiler wrote:

Jim..There is a thread....You are a traveling man!! You go Buddy!! I hope you make it to the Texas Summit and NOT be lead astray by Shred and the boys! I'm coming to the Pittsburgh Blues Fest with "my" band, Nothin But Trouble. I hope to see you and Jeff there. I do love my Alberts..Castiglia and Cummings..and I'm not alone. How are those beans tasting?  Cruiser Cate

I can do wonders with beans.  Trouble is, they kinda do wonders with me, too.....

As far as I can tell, I'm the only one goin' to Texas that has a clear focus!! 

JB/BDS Friday night in Dallas

BDS Saturday afternoon at ACL in Austin

BDS Saturday night at Antone's

JB Sunday afternoon at ACL

SRV's statue Monday morning at Town Lake with the mornin' sun on it.....

No LL Bean dis time.....

Yer comin' here in a few weeks???  WOO HOO!!!  What day??  I don't see your band in the line up.  Hope it's Friday, you can catch Tab.....and don't worry, you'll see me and Jeff.....

Ya know.....I've never been to Maine.....

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

Re: Michael Burks...

Kind of sad reading through this old topic and wishing that 'Gig-man' was still here posting.... sad

Still, I'm finally going to see Michael Burks!!! big_smile tongue cool

Next weekend (May 30-31) at the Schoeppingen festival - Joe on the Saturday and Michael on the Sunday - just arranged the details with Andre as my car will be in the garage that weekend.

I'm as excited as a boy scout in the girl scouts locker room! lol

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

26 (edited by andre wittebroek 2009-05-21 16:06:10)

Re: Michael Burks...

Yes my friend we will be there, I'm looking forward to it.

George you forgot something: You always wanted to meet my wife Corine, you both talked so much  on the phone and now: You'll meet her!!
Be prepared my friend: She's like all the ladies: I want to be in control................................

Glad to see you  in Winterswijk!

Andre Wittebroek

Re: Michael Burks...

andre wittebroek wrote:

Yes my friend we will be there, I'm looking forward to it.

George you forgot something: You always wanted to meet my wife Corine, you both talked so much  on the phone and now: You'll meet her!!
Be prepared my friend: She's like all the ladies: I want to be in control................................

Glad to see you  in Winterswijk!

Andre Wittebroek

What a double bonus for me then, getting to meet Corine and the kids too! Can't wait, good buddy! wink

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

I thought I'd go ahead and pull this back up because George is going to gush. Thanks for calling and sharing "Empty Promises" with me. MB always pleases my ears. Again, tone, tone, tone!!! George also got to meet him and get a picture. Can't wait to hear all about the festival!  Cathy

Re: Michael Burks...

cathysiler wrote:

I thought I'd go ahead and pull this back up because George is going to gush. Thanks for calling and sharing "Empty Promises" with me. MB always pleases my ears. Again, tone, tone, tone!!! George also got to meet him and get a picture. Can't wait to hear all about the festival!  Cathy

Oh man, is George ever going to gush when he gets home tomorrow!! cool tongue big_smile

Just arrived back at Andre's absolutely much great music and some wonderful pics to share with y'all....also tomorrow.


RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

30 (edited by Amsterhammer 2009-06-02 17:35:06)

Re: Michael Burks...

None of our little group – Andre, his friends Rudy and Johan, Marco Bluesmagazine (strange name, that) and me – had ever seen Michael ‘Iron Man’ Burks live.

Marco and I knew his sound from cd’s, but the other three were complete novices. I suspect that a very large proportion of the audience present also didn’t know what to expect, because I can only compare what happened after Michael walked out and cranked up his Gibson to a mass Bonabaptism experience – mouths first fell open, smiles appeared, huge grins next, collective jaw dropping, people bopping and clapping along, and that mega kick you get when you realize that everyone around you is sharing the same buzz you’re on. - Happy Hammer - Andre  - The Iron Man - “Enjoying!”

I’m afraid that I can’t produce a set list, though I know that he started with ‘Fire and Water,’ which immediately won the crowd over. Naturally,  he played ‘Empty Promises’, which I filmed (part of which Cathy managed to catch per phone too) and which will be posted for all to enjoy, as well as a brilliant instrumental version of ‘House of the rising sun’.

Here are links to Michael’s home and tour pages – … State=play

I strongly urge anyone who has a chance to see The Iron Man live NOT to miss the opportunity. He is a killer, AND he has ‘The tone’. © Granny Cate big_smile - Empty Promises from the Blues cruise (To keep you going till my film gets posted!) wink

I notice a festival near Stuttgart in July (Eva) and also a gig in NYC about a week after HAB. Have at it people, Michael deserves a bigger audience (imho). cool


RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

Michael performing 'Hey Joe'! cool

This is what we mean about his "tone". big_smile … re=related

Empty Promises live at Schoeppingen should be up tonight.

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

Thanks for the review and photos Amsterhammer.   smile
I've got his Ironman CD which i like. Hopefully one day he will make it to these shores...

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

Re: Michael Burks...

Amsterhammer wrote:

Michael performing 'Hey Joe'! cool

This is what we mean about his "tone". big_smile … re=related

Empty Promises live at Schoeppingen should be up tonight.


Did Michael bring the Flying V with him ? Bob

Re: Michael Burks...

tarus52 wrote:


Did Michael bring the Flying V with him ? Bob

Ah, Bob. big_smile

I told Michael I was a friend of Bob's, who won the Flying V, and said hi from you - his face lit up, he thought it was way cool that someone at a little festival in Germany knew you. big_smile

No sign of a Flying V. He played the whole show with his pretty yellow Gibson and man, what a sweet, sweet sound he gets from that thing! cool

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

Here it is then, another world premiere for Joe's forum. cool … y-promises

Michael was the headliner on the second day.

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

36 (edited by eva 2009-06-04 21:07:45)

Re: Michael Burks...

Oh Yeah!! cool

Please watch this folks ... the TONE ...... big_smile

Thanks so much George, great video!


Edited to add: cute pics as well George - the "enjoying" one is priceless ...