Topic: Compressor Pedals

I just got a cheap compressor pedal off of ebay and was wondering what the heck do you use them for.  I got it for $10 its a behrenger so I'm hoping its going to at least give me something to play with.  How do you apply it to your sound and what kind of settings should I use?

Re: Compressor Pedals

I'd use it on a clean sound with echo, reverb, and maybe a light chorus depending on the mood lol.  Then slap on the compressor and go to town with some chicken pickin' smile .


Re: Compressor Pedals

To me compressors make it to where when you pick harder the note actually is softer, kind of the opposite of what you would expect.  You hear the word "squash" a lot with compressors.  The low end to me is a little less pronounced and the highs ring out a little longer.  As Ben eluded to it's a must have pedal for chicken pickers!

'67 and '74 Fender Twin Reverbs, '74 Marshall 1987 lead mkII, Metro Superlead 100. Pedals from TC Electronic, Ibanez, Dunlop, BK Butler, Electro-Harmonix, Fulltone, Maestro/Gibson, Loopmaster switching, VoodooLab, Boss. Gibson and Fender guitars, Dimarzio pickups.

Re: Compressor Pedals

They take a lot of touch out of your hands on electric, particularly for blues. However, try it on an acoustic, just a little. It can really smooth out the sound and boost the bottom a little if you've got a really middy guitar as I do.


" skillfully and shout for joy." Psalm 33:3b (honest, it really says that)

Re: Compressor Pedals

I have a MXR Dyna-Comp that I use like Pete Townshend does to boost and add feedback to leads, but people like Eric Johnson use it to add sustain and volume to clean picking and harmonics.