Topic: Vintage style humbuckers w/ no wax potting...?

Ok, first off....MY FIRST POST!!! Sweeeeet!

Alright, I know there are many pick-up manufacturers(Wolfetone, Duncan Antiquities,..etc) that make humbuckers and do not wax pot them. They do this to accurately replicate original PAF's and retain that sweet "honk." However, I've never had the opportunity to play them at higher volumes with high gain. Now by "high gain" I am referring to a Crunch Box or Lovepedal Provalve with the gain turned up fairly high. I've always had potted Burstbuckers and recently some WCR Godwoods(Excellent by the way!).

Will these unpotted humbuckers be uncontrollable at higher volumes with higher gain?

Fender HRD, 2006 Fender American Standard(with every possible upgrade),Marshall JCM2000 Dsl halfstack, Visual Sound Rt. 66, Mi Audio Crunch Box, Boss DD3, Morley Wah, and anything else I can find to feed my obsession!

Re: Vintage style humbuckers w/ no wax potting...?

GuitarShogun wrote:

Ok, first off....MY FIRST POST!!! Sweeeeet!

Alright, I know there are many pick-up manufacturers(Wolfetone, Duncan Antiquities,..etc) that make humbuckers and do not wax pot them. They do this to accurately replicate original PAF's and retain that sweet "honk." However, I've never had the opportunity to play them at higher volumes with high gain. Now by "high gain" I am referring to a Crunch Box or Lovepedal Provalve with the gain turned up fairly high. I've always had potted Burstbuckers and recently some WCR Godwoods(Excellent by the way!).

Will these unpotted humbuckers be uncontrollable at higher volumes with higher gain?

    I use Burstbuckers (unpotted) in my LPs and play at high volumes in jukes or like Hard Rock Memphis tonight and don't really have any problems. Now I do rarely play w/ my guitar volume pegged (except for some solos). Im using a Plexi clone w/ a mid boost so it can and will feedback if I want it to but very controlable. I just perfer the tone from unpotted pickups. I'm not smart enough to explain why,lol. It's just an ear thing I guess.

Re: Vintage style humbuckers w/ no wax potting...?

Depends very much on the pups. I had some potted pups that where misbehaving like hell at loud volumes, and now have unpotted set of WB's custom wounds (hot PAF copy) who do way better than those naughty ones had before under 100% same conditions...