Topic: My kids are driving me nuts!!!

My daughter and son have been horrible lately but what got me today was the fact my son tore some wall paper in my daughters room today that I just hung up last week.  We punished him and set him in time out.  All is good... but then my daughter decides to finish the job.  I had more the half of her room wall papered and she tore down all of it during her nap time today instead of taking a nap.  I was at work so her mother had to take care of it but lets just say I'm not happy.  I suppose she's just going to have to deal with an ugly room for now.  Ahh I feel much better now thanks for letting me vent.

Re: My kids are driving me nuts!!!

Future careers in home design maybe??? wink

My husband always says "Small kids, small problems, big kids, bigger problems".  It gets crazy around here too like that but I have to keep in mind that one day I'm going to have 3 teenage girls in the house...THAT I'm dreading. yikes

Hang in there, I know how it is.:)

If heartaches were nickels
I'd be the richest fool alive

Re: My kids are driving me nuts!!!

AD3THREE wrote:

My daughter and son have been horrible lately but what got me today was the fact my son tore some wall paper in my daughters room today that I just hung up last week.  We punished him and set him in time out.  All is good... but then my daughter decides to finish the job.  I had more the half of her room wall papered and she tore down all of it during her nap time today instead of taking a nap.  I was at work so her mother had to take care of it but lets just say I'm not happy.  I suppose she's just going to have to deal with an ugly room for now.  Ahh I feel much better now thanks for letting me vent.

Just blink a couple times and the'll be 21....try it out....if that doesnt work, pop open a beer or two smile....I remember the time I came home from work, my son wanted to show me the picture of me and him playing catch....sure was a beauty, all in crayon on the walls down the hallway....left it like that for months, nice mural it was roll .....and Mindy, do yourself a favor and get a shotgun, dont let any boy come in the house without cleaning it in front of him big_smile


Re: My kids are driving me nuts!!!

Ahh kids eh! My 13 year old daughter was the sweetest thing until she turned 13!! Overnight she turned into a real teen wih attitude. She's not bad but unitidy and knows it all and we are so 'uncool' (that hurts:P).
Her mom is house proud and i does her head in she is so untidy.  I have told her to leave her room alone. Its been 4 days now and you can just about the door, man its minging. Another 2 days I go in with camera and hack her facebook and bebo sites..............

5 (edited by BluesMan 2009-03-19 18:30:55)

Re: My kids are driving me nuts!!!

Well, let me add my two cents. Arnold, like Dave said, relax because you've got a loooooong way to go my friend. smile

Mindy, you have my condolences. To add what Dave said, I always told my daughter Sarah that if and when she would bring a boy home for me to meet, that the first question I'll ask him is where he would want to be buried so his parents could locate the body. She's 17 now and still hasn't brought a boy home yet. wink

And keeping on the subject of my daughter, isn't it strange Martin how that happens? My daughter too was bordering on perfect when she was small. Neat, great student, more than willing to do things to help out; she started making her own bed at age 5. What the heck happened when she turned 15? Underwear and clothes strewn all over her room, bed rarely made and what an attitude although, she still is a great student.

And my son! I swear Ben could rob a bank and you'd never know it. He is the great story teller of this world, much better than me. And argumentative, oh my goodness. His future career has got to be as an attorney. The other side will simply give up over frustration with my son's persistence! big_smile

Like Dave said Arnold, beer may be the only answer! lol


Joe is the Best!

Re: My kids are driving me nuts!!!

Hang in there. The brain damage reverses itself when they get to around 21 or so.

Major Tom to ground control...

7 (edited by gsj 2009-03-20 01:08:40)

Re: My kids are driving me nuts!!!

Me pants are driving me nuts!!!! Maybe I should remove the steering wheel.

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young