Joe has mentioned one on my "Poor man's JB rig" thread a while ago, evidently for the Marshall Superlead sound on a's the quote:
"thats way cool Yo!! Its still a bit pricey.. heres mine
all under 500 dollars.
marshall 2505 30 watt mini head (tube) same loop as the jubilee
Sovetek Mig 50 ( superlead replacement)
1970 fender bandmaster (with tubecreamer plug in always on)
1970 fender Bassman ( with boss digital reverb always on)
Cabs.. Carvin.. 100 british spec speakers
Joe Bonamassa...."
'67 and '74 Fender Twin Reverbs, '74 Marshall 1987 lead mkII, Metro Superlead 100. Pedals from TC Electronic, Ibanez, Dunlop, BK Butler, Electro-Harmonix, Fulltone, Maestro/Gibson, Loopmaster switching, VoodooLab, Boss. Gibson and Fender guitars, Dimarzio pickups.