Topic: Compelled to post

Hey folks

True Story: earlier this year I was doing one of my "Stump Youtube" sessions where I spend an hour or so seeing if I can find old tunes/bands etc. I remembered a particularly cool Live Collin James tune called "Better Days" and typed that into the search and the first thing that came up was "Bridge to better days"  played in Holland I think. Clicked on it...saw this kid and thought 'what the heck". Spent the next hour looking at JB stuff and forgot all about what I was originally searching for. Then I was at work and saw a program booklet for the Rose Theater in Brampton Ontario and nearly flipped when I saw that Joe had a gig booked - instant Beeline for the nearest PC to order up some tickets. October 28th show - loved it. He said he's only been to Canada a handfull of times - really hope that changes!

Thanks for a great Show Joe

Re: Compelled to post

Ah...the beauty of making an old tune new again. Bless cyberworld too. At any rate it's nice to hear from you. Props for giving tons of info in such a compact way. You're really lucky. Some folks wait a very long time between their Joe discovery and their first show. Give in to the force. It's a nice addiction and there are lots of enablers here.   Cathy

Re: Compelled to post

Hi Ty,
That's a great story! How fantastic to stumble across Joe by chance, become immediately hooked and then to discover he has a gig booked nearby. Welcome to the forum, glad you were compelled. Nice to have you on board

Tripsy smile