Topic: Dear Joe Part II
Hey there Joe,
I also saw you in Cleveland lastnight and was quite amazed as always.
Thanks for the Dunlop Jazz III pick. I will definately experiement and see if it improves my right hand technique.
Like Logan's post, I also have some questions.
-Do you think a two-rock is a good all around amp for not only getting the Dumble sound, but for a clean Fender tone and a more Marshall-esque tone?
-Also, who has influenced your acoustic chordal playing?
-Lastly if you have a few seconds, I was wondering if you could listen to some of my playing on myspace and give me any critiques/suggestions/comments on things I can work on. The "voodoo solo" and "new world blues" might be best to listen to (
Thanks again for being such a great musical influence and guiding light in the blues world.