Topic: Set List Changes?

I've been reviewing alot of reviews about Joe's recent shows, but have not seen any current set lists...We saw Joe and his band at the Fraze on 8/31 and will be seeing them again at the Cleveland HOB on 11/1...Is he playing more stuff from Slow Gin?...Any surprises?...Let me know please...Thanks...

The Other Joe B.

Re: Set List Changes?

Ballpeen Hammer is being heard and it is very good.  Sloe Gin had a little different twist on it in Oklahoma, compared to the 2 Iowa shows...echo effect.....haunting & lonely.......hope this helps you out Bizzer.

"I'm not nice to any guitar!"      lol
                 Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12


Re: Set List Changes?

pattyluvsjoe wrote:

Ballpeen Hammer is being heard and it is very good.  Sloe Gin had a little different twist on it in Oklahoma, compared to the 2 Iowa shows...echo effect.....haunting & lonely.......hope this helps you out Bizzer.

Still no Joe playing harmonica though....LOL

“A friend is someone that will help you move............a TRUE friend will help you move the bodies." -- anon

Re: Set List Changes?

pcornell wrote:
pattyluvsjoe wrote:

Ballpeen Hammer is being heard and it is very good.  Sloe Gin had a little different twist on it in Oklahoma, compared to the 2 Iowa shows...echo effect.....haunting & lonely.......hope this helps you out Bizzer.

Still no Joe playing harmonica though....LOL

LOL ..... Nope, that must have been some dream I had.....LOL

"I'm not nice to any guitar!"      lol
                 Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12


Re: Set List Changes?

The set list seems to be staying basically the same.(Check fall reviews)  You are going to get some stellar shows with the rumors of recording at the HOB...Lucky dogs!!!!!! Cathy

Re: Set List Changes?

Setlist for the Tulsa show 10/6/07:

Bridge to Better Days
Walk In My Shadows
So Many Roads
Mountain Time
Another Kind of Love
Sloe Gin
Highwater Everywhere - Acoustic
If Heartaches Were Nickels - Acoustic
Woke Up Dreaming - Acoustic
Just Got Paid/Dazed and Confused/Bogie's Drum Solo

Ball Peen Hammer - Played on a sweet Breedlove 12-string
Asking Around For You

Re: Set List Changes?

Thank you guys!!!!

Cathy...Are the recording rumors for the Cleveland HOB show?...Oh please, please say yes!!!

The Other Joe B.

Re: Set List Changes?

The rumors are officially that "I'm not recording anywhere, I'm recording Everywhere" so don't end up singing "It’s crossed my mind now and then, A little too late babe, go back and start again..." when there's a possibilty for you to actually BE THERE rather than could've, should've, would've been there to really whooop and holler and clap and sing ((yes sing, loudly and proudly-why not?) and cheer all at appropriate times and places within the songs and set and loudly & heartily chant "Joe, Joe, Joe" for an encore or two or umpteen (lotsa luck with that many however) for any and all shows until years end!!! You never know if an unseen RECORDING light may be on  right then and there and show up later on the live project release!!!!!!! 

Dahnt dah da da da, dahnt dah da da da,
Pump it up until you can feel it.
Pump it up when you dont really need it.

Rock ON & Believe It,

Bizzer wrote:

Thank you guys!!!!

Cathy...Are the recording rumors for the Cleveland HOB show?...Oh please, please say yes!!!

The Other Joe B.

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Set List Changes?

dear joe, please change the set list by chicago if possib;le, one song you havent been playing every night for aomtnh straight or more is all i assk.  i have seen you alot, and due to my not huge budget if the setlist is going to be the exact same even almost two months apart that takes alot of incentive away from me going.  dont get me wrong it will still be a great show and id see the same one every night if i could, but id think for the artist it would be more fun to change it up a little at least, and also from my standpoint i cant justify spening the gas money(ticket money is no problem i count myself lucky as hell one of the best shows on earth is so cheap) to see you multiple times in a year.  were i made of money i would follow your tour and several others.  seeing tea for one was still the highlght of the concert year for me, because it was something so unique i feel lucky i am one of the only people whog t to see it.  ps sorry for the bad typing i got a fracturd rwist

If wine and pills were hundred dollar bills
I might keep you satisfied

10 (edited by Rocket 2007-10-13 01:16:38)

Re: Set List Changes?

Man your typing is bad, but your message is very good.  I can sympathize on one hand (I can pick either since neither is injured), but on the other hand you did already get a setlist RADICAL modification in "Tea For One", with all the accoutrements.  But the logic of the band recording several places for Kevin Shirley to cherry pick the "best" from means they want as many worked up examples as possible to choose from.  It also means that the better and best will likely differ by only minute details as in "no mistakes", "audience responds best", and / or little bits of either snipppets from other songs (Medley style?), whether Joe Bonamassa songs or not or most likely best "ad-lib", "unreheased", "unexpected", "strangest twist", "best soloing", etc....all different than the night before and maybe from all nights of the tour!  You gotta take your chances, man.

Rock On (Get Well soon) & Keep the Faith,

suhl wrote:

dear joe, please change the set list by chicago if possib;le, one song you havent been playing every night for aomtnh straight or more is all i assk.  i have seen you alot, and due to my not huge budget if the setlist is going to be the exact same even almost two months apart that takes alot of incentive away from me going.  dont get me wrong it will still be a great show and id see the same one every night if i could, but id think for the artist it would be more fun to change it up a little at least, and also from my standpoint i cant justify spening the gas money(ticket money is no problem i count myself lucky as hell one of the best shows on earth is so cheap) to see you multiple times in a year.  were i made of money i would follow your tour and several others.  seeing tea for one was still the highlght of the concert year for me, because it was something so unique i feel lucky i am one of the only people whog t to see it.  ps sorry for the bad typing i got a fracturd rwist

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Set List Changes?

If thats how it's done (cherrypicking), it would be great if the liner notes state where and when each song was recorded.

I'm just saying.

Re: Set List Changes?

Hey Joe play this, hey Joe play that. Is anybody ever satisfied with the best performer I've seen in the last 20 years?????? A simpler and less frustrating approach to life in general is to be thankful for what you've got and be careful what you wish for. how's about more appreciation and a lot less WHINING!!!!!

                                                                                             Giddyup or Giddyoff,

                                                                                             J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Set List Changes?

i appreciate everything, feel free to look at any of my reviews.  however i dont like to lie and id be lying if i said i didnt like variety.  and i dont think that is a good way to approach life.  basically you are saying if you dont like how something is, just be satisfied with it anyway.  stuck in a dead end job, well hey act like you are happy about it and it will all go away.  no one is putting anyone down or whining here, i am stating my opinion so dont accuse me of whining just because i dont have the if joe does it it must be perfect attitude.  please

If wine and pills were hundred dollar bills
I might keep you satisfied

14 (edited by ohiodawg13 2007-10-14 17:28:21)

Re: Set List Changes?

Thanks Suhl, just rattlin' the cage a little. My comment doesn't imply that change isn't necessary, the point is Joe and Co. have never let the fans down yet, have they????? This latest leg of the tour the set list doesn't even get printed out since they've stuck to a basic set with an occasional switch in the encore. Granted if you've seen Joe in the past year you've heard most of this set, but they're playin' the tunes with a whole new level of intensity which I've been reading from all the recent posts on the lastest shows here at home and away. If the band only had time for one song do you doubt it wouldn't ROCK your sox off!!!!

                                                                              Go Tribe,

                                                                              J Dawg

The old wave uncovers the next newfangled way..................................Jethro Tull

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Set List Changes?

This discussion has been brought up numerous times over the years. I'll use for an example my first Joe show which was essentially the ANDY DVD with out HTCT. a few months later he again returned to the area and they were working in some SILT material before it actually came out. I was hoping for the same set list I had seen the first time since that is what I brought several realatives and friends to see. The show was still good. I got to see Lie #1 performed for maybe the first and last time, not sure. My Mistake too. Still wasn't what I had come to see.

Not everyone attends multiple shows. Joe can't assume everybody saw you last night so we have to do an entirley different set. Over the course of the last 5 years the set the band the sound has evolved to an entirley different animal. It didn't change over night but it has evolved much in the way that songs evolve during the tour. Sloe Gin has a different ending than it had in May. One of These Days has been exchanged for Ball Peen Hammer. The solo's in Just Got Paid is constantly changeing. Bridge to Better days has a different break and a snippet of Deep Purple. So Many Roads has been brought back in and Blues Deluxe retired for the moment. I saw back to back nights last weekend with a short set the second night. No acoustic and Joe exchanging licks with Jim Suhler made Another Kind of Love a special treat.

One thing that I noticed was the tightness of the band and cohesiveness they all have just since May. You don't get that by reinventing the wheel every night. Somepeople would like to see Joe get up there and jam and trust me they all could hang but would it be tight. Eventually. But would that be fair to the new fans that want to see a Joe show at its best. The A set list. Rehearsed polished night after night and smoking that is what they deserve.

I always say that Joe had me at sound check the first time I saw him but he sealed the deal with AYE. I have seen that played many times. It never got old and each time he threw in something different that made that version unique. Most people wouldn't notice the subtle differences but I did. I wouldn't expect him on the current tour to dust that off and play it for me. That is a chapter closed in the life of Joe B. Darn good thing there is a DVD I can pop in whenever I feel the need.

Re: Set List Changes?

to me it isnt a huge deal  really i just would think the band even would get tired of playing the exact same set every night, and yeah i wasnt speaking for everyone, i was speaking for me someone who does see multiple shows.  and since joe never plalys his songs the exact same way twice with him it isnt even a big deal, just a personal preference, as someone seeing him as often as i can id like to see as many songs as i can. and i will say i have seen bands perform very well who play different songs every night, a lot of bands in the jam band community do it, and do it well.

and one other thing i can says is you cant go to show expecting anything.  i dont feel gypped if a song i wanted to hear isnt played.

If wine and pills were hundred dollar bills
I might keep you satisfied

Re: Set List Changes?

Just a thought..If they are putting together a live cd from this tour, wouldn't it make sense to play the same set list? Then, it seems from reviews, that 1 or 2 songs get switched, because I'm certain they will play Richmond in Richmond!....Cathy

Re: Set List Changes?

Thanks Jim for expanding my thoughts and let me reiterate, you don't see people leaving one of Joe's gigs complaining now do ya'?????

                                                                                                         Go Tribe,

                                                                                                         J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint