Topic: Dino seeks Joe B suggestions
Well far be it from me to say that my relationship with the Bonamassa-nation is easy...but tonight I shall make it up to you. Or try.
I am hosting blues friday on WXPR. WXPR is part of NPR...and more importantly it is a streaming STATION. So you can listen on line.
I am hosting from 9 pm to midnight central time.
How this applys to you...what Joe tracks do you want me to play? I will play a ton. Why you ask? As a blatant suck up move to you people. So, lets never forget, I am willing to whore myself to be loved by strangers.
But seriously, I think I can do like 4 Joe tracks an hour maybe.
I am unsure as to what cds I have and dont you might want to try MP3s email to me, before 2 pm central time. My email is...
I am going to buy sloe gin today...because I just have it on my ipod.
So, what should I play?
The station is
Not often does someone blatantly suck up to a message board like this I bet.