Topic: Wall Fall
There was a huge commemoration of the 25th anniversary fall of the wall in Berlin Sunday. Here's a link to the video production of the entire ceremony all over Berlin that was streamed live to the world. I found the highlight to be the performance of Beethoven's 9th with full chorus at Brandenburg Gate and the Ode to Joy theme was quite fitting. In context it is very moving and features some of the greatest voices alive in the chorale sections with the Berlin Symphony. Check it out at 7:42. There are also a lot of various musical features throughout. The path of the wall was illuminated with pedestal lamps throughout Berlin.
I have a personal connection since my son's wife grew up in the East sector and her family lived through the privations of that time. They prepare and serve a thin potato soup for lunch and dinner on the anniversary to remind themselves of the times when that was all there was to eat.
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