As far as oil and gas prices, and as boring as it sounds, supply and demand must find an equilibrium and they do so through the price mechanism. Without that we have the lines of the late 1970's. How's that for trying hard to not get political?
Something few people think about that affects all commodities prices by driving them up is the Fed's (and other Central Banks') enormous money creation through the rounds of Quantitative Easing and Zero interest rates, such as the QE3 to infinity announced last Thursday.
Inflation is more money chasing the same or fewer goods. And Bernanke's stated desire is to weaken the dollar and drive up the price of stuff like the stock market and house prices, but the real effect is to drive up the price of food, gas, etc. This hurts the little guy the most, but Mr. B has had his common sense amputated so he either can't see or admit it. His answer to every problem is . . . more cowbell (money printing).
Add to this the idiocy of our nation's ethanol policy, where around 50% of the corn crop is burnt up to make a fuel additive that may create less energy than the process of growing the corn and turning it into alcohol. This and this year's drought creates food shortages around the world and may have a role in the unrest in the Third World. To me this is the real energy scandal hiding in plain sight.