LesPaul4 wrote:Hey everyone...
I'd like to find a combo amp preferably 2x12 but not restricted to that. Cost under $1,000. Fender type cleans and Fender type reverb with Marshall vintage classic rock crunch. Something that weighs less than 60 pounds (27 kg).
Join the club, Brother! LOL
There ARE a ton of options out there, nowadays! But all will have some different strengths and weaknesses. So, you have to weigh the differences for yourself.
What this ultimately means is:
Go to the Music Stores and actually play through the Amps you're considering, for yourself.
If you are not sure of your playing, etc., take a friend who's playing and experience you respect, and have them Demo the various Amps for you.
If you don't have any friends who play, have one of the Salesmen Demo the different Amps for you.
The key to having the Salesman Demo things, is to make sure you tell them beforehand that you definately will not be buying anything on that day. In fact, make sure you don't have any $$$$ with you! That way, you don't make any impluse purchases!
Just make sure to get a Business Caed from the Salesman, and let them know you will buy from them, specifically, if you buy at their store. Make sure you support the Salesman who does the leg-work for you.
And, go to as many stores as possible, and repeat this process. With NO MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS! LOL
Even if the different stores sell the same products. As different "Demos" from different people/players, will give you a clearer picture of what is available and what it can do for you.
And be honest with what you actually need:
Will the Amp be used in Living Room mainly? Will it be for a Band? Will it be for actual Gigs?
You have to buy the right Wattage. There really isn't any magic button or box that will make a 50 Watt 212 Combo sound optimal in a Living Room. A 3 to 5 Watt "Champ"? Perfect!
Early 80's 1957 U.S. Vintage Reissue Stratocaster (Surf Green)-Warmouth Soloist Pearly Gates Neck, Pearly Gates Bridge- Larrivee D-03 (Mahogany/ Spruce)
Carmen Ghia Head- Marshall 112 Cab W/G12H 30 or Custom 4 X 6v6 Head or Budda Twinmaster Plus Head-Traynor 212 Cab w/Eminence Texas Heats.
Mo'D-Eternity-Blues Pro- Timmy-BYOC Chorus/Vibrato- TC SCF- Korg DT 10 Pedal Tuner