Topic: Coach House San Juan Capistrano 11/24

Joe was in great form and as usual the crowd ate it up. It was extra fun because I got to introduce four new fans to Joe. This was my first show that I recorded and I'm loving hearing the show again. I used a new ZOOM H4 and got great results the first time out with the built in x/y mics.

The best drug in the world are those endorphin inducing chord changes!

Re: Coach House San Juan Capistrano 11/24

Yeah, it my first too.  I had a problem with a root canal gone bad; was in tremendous amount of pain, but seeing Joe, I was pain free for a couple of hours.  After seeing the Rolling Stones two nights before, and seeing Joe, I was in music heaven.  Course the Vicodin helped too.

Re: Coach House San Juan Capistrano 11/24

Hey Carol- I started typing an e-mail to see how you liked the show and then thought about "easynow" labeling me a JB Evangelist and thought I might look like I'm pushing a Joe Cult...LOL   There are worse things to push...Anyway, glad you liked the show and WOW, you are concert lucky to have seen Bonnie Raitt as the warm-up for the Stones!!! Hope the tooth pain has subsided!

carollb wrote:

Yeah, it my first too.  I had a problem with a root canal gone bad; was in tremendous amount of pain, but seeing Joe, I was pain free for a couple of hours.  After seeing the Rolling Stones two nights before, and seeing Joe, I was in music heaven.  Course the Vicodin helped too.

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