OMG Michael..I know how you felt after your "Joe Tour"!! There came a moment last night when I came to the conclusion that I don't want to hear anything but silence for a while...Phew..Overload, to say the least!
Having said that, what a great experience. Beale Street is taken over by bands and fans from all over the world. The vibe is positive, the late night jams alone are worth the trip. (Of course I burned out and missed Michael Burks and Shameika 100 feet from my hotel!!)...Anyway....10 venues/10acts per venue..for the bands (6/10 for solo/duos) you can imagine how hard it is to catch them all...But, it's fun to try.
The Youth Showcase was one of the best events..EVERYBODY was blown away by the talent (better than some of the competing bands IMHO)..I went to the venue where Tallan was playing. I said "Hi" Roy and had a chuckle when his Dad said he had asked Tallan if he was nervous and he replied "It's just another gig Dad"..too cute..But there was nothing cute about his playing..I loved watching the faces in that room..He channeled that old soul that lives in him and played his heart out. I think he opened tons of doors!!! "Little Ivory Blues Band" from Central Pa. was another great band...I hope to see them again soon. Nice "kids".
NBT didn't win...but Albert Cummings, Michael Burks, Albert Castiglia, just to name a few, didn't win either, but benefited from participating. They did procure a festival, a few other bookings and lots of new friends and fans!! The winners of each venue competed Sat. night at the beautiful Orpheum Theater. I have to say this year's bands were all great. There was a group from Poland called "The Boogie Boys"...2 pianos and a drummer who also played harp. They put on a VERY entertaining show..Boogie piano to the max!!
Note to Carl..Jason Ricci was one of the hosts..he was a riot..he said to tell you "Hi", sang your praises, and said you are the only guitar player he will let play with I know you!
"Monkey Junk" came in 3rd. The cool thing is they were the very first entry for the Ottawa Blues Society. The club worked hard to make this happen and props to their President Liz Sykes.
"Ty Curtis Band" from Oregon brought a large group of enthusiastic fans..and for good reason. This young group had the audience on it's feet cheering. Great guitar and energy. Loads of personality.
"J.P. Soars", from the South Florida Blues Society, were the winners and J.P. also won the Albert King Award. We all knew it when he stepped up and starting playing ..Wow! (Ironically, my roomie handed me a CD before I left and it was J.P.'s...another co-inky-dink I guess.)
The trip is worth it just for the wonderful people you meet. Our hotel (The Hampton Inn) had a sign in the lobby that said "If you want a quiet hotel, this isn't it"...truth in advertising...Since all bands had to report to their venues by 5 p.m., the hours before were filled with guitars, horns, singing... all signs of bands warming up for the competition. But, everybody rooted for each other, told tons of great stories in the lobby gatherings, and shared tech. talk.
Sorry this is so long..I could write tons more, but I'll control myself. If you get a chance go to this event...I'd put it right up there with The Blues Cruise..and it's cheaper! Cathy
edited for paragraphs.