Topic: Tom Dowd and the Language of Music

Will be aired again on the Sundance channel on Thursday May 11th at 07:15 am Eastern.
For those not familiar with the film you can view the movie trailer and learn more by visiting - Tom Dowd produced Joe's 1st solo CD (A New Day Yesterday) and Joe appears in the film.

Re: Tom Dowd and the Language of Music

hullo Stu,
Is there a way to get the film on DVD or can it be seen in europe, too?

Peace and Love!

Re: Tom Dowd and the Language of Music

Lui wrote:

hullo Stu,
Is there a way to get the film on DVD or can it be seen in europe, too? will give you links to vendors in the US that sell the DVD. If you have any of these vendors in Europe you should be able to buy it there also.

Re: Tom Dowd and the Language of Music


Peace and Love!

Re: Tom Dowd and the Language of Music

A very good and interesting DVD. You will enjoy Joe's appearance/segment as well as the rest of it.


Re: Tom Dowd and the Language of Music

A really neat film; illustrates Tom Dowd's genius as well as his body of work. A nice introduction to Joe B.......I would like to know what was filmed with Joe that hit the cutting room  floor; pearls I'm sure.

PC cool

“A friend is someone that will help you move............a TRUE friend will help you move the bodies." -- anon

Re: Tom Dowd and the Language of Music

What a fantastic dvd about an amazing man, his life, and the music he had a hand in creating.

Re: Tom Dowd and the Language of Music

This documentary is excellent and I found it fascinating to learn all different things about recording and some of my long time favorites like Aretha and the Allman Brothers.  Tom Dowd had a most interesting life and it's bizarre where his career actually started.

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