Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Put that in your pipe
a new grandchild for elder
George is proud Opa.

Beware on the roads
Daughter has learner's permit
Edgewater not safe.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

My mom has been dead
for seven years September
Estate not settled

I've had busy time
with dysfunctional brother
ah well life goes on.

The money is gone
The darn lawyers got their share
Booze can be blamed too

November is here
gratitude month for many
twenty five years now

Good to have me back
On forum just to haiku
Hello Jim and Phil

I must call my bro
a certain Puerto Rican
Cadbury to some.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Thanksgiving soon come
Me make special turkey bird
with Special Stuffing

To read recipe
Click HERE for special stuffing
BigJeff the Mad Chef

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

A hott grilling sauce
Yes it is beyond compare
Try and take my dare

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Love to try Jeff but
We can't do turkey for two
Mini ham for us

Elder Cate doing
The Thanksgiving full monty
I give thanks for her

Cathy says hi y'all
She really hates laptops so
Will read more than write

Back home on Friday
Normal service resumed then
We'll need some salsa

To try when she comes
Though I don't expect turkey
On our menu here

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Where are you two now?
I have had my old head down
Ryan home today!

College boy is home
He came with his appetite
mom's all atwitter!

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Cathy's in Jersey
With daughter grand-kids and all
I'm just home alone

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

She's the one we love
Sister Cate is with grandkids
laughing and eating

BigJeff the Mad Chef
will cook for the gang today
MUST do workout first

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?


Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Thought I'd share a recent winning entry of a haiku contest at ... I liked it, thought some here might too... in fact, I think I'll also  post it in the master torrent thread, where the real target audience will be sure to see it, lol...

Hum of computer
Torrenting throughout the night
Don't forget to seed.

--Vik cool


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

It's terrible BUT
I almost forgot the count
for a Haiku!!  Phew!!

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Amsterdam elders
tripping the light fantastic
tango in Holland

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

bigjeffjones wrote:

Amsterdam elders
tripping the light fantastic
tango in Holland

Indeed, Big Brother!
George tells me it's five BELOW!
It's time to CUDDLE!!

wink  L S

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Pull money from butt?
want to be with history
Royal Albert Hall

Feel kinda foolish
Not easily excited
I must meditate

I am pumped up though
I can't really explain it
The thrill is not gone

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

bigjeffjones wrote:

Pull money from butt?
want to be with history
Royal Albert Hall

Feel kinda foolish
Not easily excited
I must meditate

I am pumped up though
I can't really explain it
The thrill is not gone

You crack me up Jeff
pullin' money from your butt
doin' what it takes

wink  L S

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

he's holding folding
no money clip needed there
green backs? I hope so

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

of folding is very small
I best not be gross

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

how goes the counting
of cash from deep dark places??
got enough for RAH??

wink  LS  big_smile

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.