Topic: JB Les Paul - 276 -300? and Guitarist Review.

Got my subscription copy of Guitarist this morning and there is review of the JB aged Les Paul. I've not read it closely yet but did notice that it mentioned the last 50 JB Les Pauls would be non aged.

The ones I have seen to date all seem to fall into 250 - 275 serial numbers. Wildwood have three left but for mixed reasons of weight and fretboard grain non of them appeal to me - I'd be importing to the UK and the new exchange rate + Duty and Tax make this an expensive guitar!!!Guitar center and Musicians Friend do not export outside the US... so they are not options. Neither do they give much information about individual instruments.

Just wondered if anyone had seen a serial no above 275 or are they still to be released??


Re: JB Les Paul - 276 -300? and Guitarist Review.

I have 256.  It is the best sounding guitar I own!!!!!!!

Re: JB Les Paul - 276 -300? and Guitarist Review.

I wonder why Gibson stopped aging the JB Les Pauls. From the beginning they were publicized as "Aged". So, was there enough public interest in a non-aged JBLP for them to leave the last 50 alone? Or was Murphy too busy to age the remaining 50? I doubt that we'll never really know the true answer.

As I've said here before I wasn't very enthusiastic about the aging but after I opened the case and looked at mine the first time, I felt like a kid getting his first guitar at Christmas. I now have two aged JBLP's and I am selling one. Any forum member with some longevity that's interested in getting a fair deal on a unused aged JBLP, contact me.

Stay Safe

Re: JB Les Paul - 276 -300? and Guitarist Review.

I didnt think they were Murphy done. I read a lot of criticism on the les paul forums about the aging. I got cold feet before it got in, but had the same reaction once I opened the cases(had 2 to pick from). It's the only aged guitar I have, though I have a five other LPs, it is the best sounding of all of them. (axcess, R9, slash SL, 92 custom, BFG). My Collings outdoes them all but the JPLB is a joy to play and has a little something special about it.