1 (edited by Mindy 2008-10-27 10:47:50)

Topic: Ridgefield Ct. 10/26

What an amazing show!  Don't ask me to post the set list, I was too busy trying to remember to breathe!  The last time I saw these guys was about a year ago, and I swear they got tighter over the past year....not that they needed ANY improvement, but somehow they did.

What a great night, Marianne Keith was wonderful, what a great voice that girl has.  I hadn't heard her before last night, but needed to get her CD after hearing her.  It's SO worth it.

Thank you to Marianne, and to Joe and the boys.  Rick, it was great to chat with you, and thanks for making me feel better about waiting there! wink Carmine, thanks to you also!  And Joe, OMG...thank you for taking a pic with me.  That meant so much, you can't imagine.  But I look fat in the pic, can you come back and take another one? lol

If I had to pick one word to describe the evening, it would be MESMERIZING.

Can't wait until the next time.  big_smile

BTW I have to tell this story.  I met a woman at the show, and she told me she was blown away.  She said she met 2 of the band members in a cafe earlier yesterday, and they told her about the show.  She wasn't doing anything, so she figured she'd check it out.  She could NOT believe what she witnessed, she was awe struck....a new fan, I'm thinking. big_smile

If heartaches were nickels
I'd be the richest fool alive

2 (edited by MCC620 2008-11-14 20:25:01)

Re: Ridgefield Ct. 10/26

gee mindy...i was in the uk and YOU were seeing joe and didn't even tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

glad you had fun and where's the picture!?!??!

i'll keep my fingers crossed for one next april when i see joe at westhampton pac again!



Re: Ridgefield Ct. 10/26

Maria!!! The pic is in the Foxborough Mass. cool pics thread of course, silly girl!! lol

Here it is again, to make it easier for ya:

http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj85 … /074JJ.png

We need to catch up, I want to hear all about the trip smile

If heartaches were nickels
I'd be the richest fool alive

Re: Ridgefield Ct. 10/26

oh man you look great!!!!!!!!!!

yes we do have to catch up!  in a nutshel......I had a blast!


Re: Ridgefield Ct. 10/26

Hi Mindy. Great photo. I was at that show as well. It was a blast, went with my son and took my brother his Bonabaptism what did he say after the show - " How come I never heard of this guy before?", He was totally blown away, gave him LFNIP to keep him company until April. 
For me it gets better every time. It was cool to see the place hard core cookin, and by the time Just Got Paid came around NO-ONE in the place was sittin down. It was a great evening.


Rock On and Keep the Faith

Jack Loves Patty Loves Joe