1 (edited by David A. 2008-10-30 14:55:29)

Topic: Pictures Of Past Set Lists - (look out Jane H.)

This being the seventh year of following Joe, I have collected numerous Set Lists starting back when I first saw him in July of 2002.  Below is a link to some of the earlier set lists.  It is really interesting to see the progression of the shows, what was played at a given point in time.  I have others but just wanted to show some of the earlier ones.  One that I missed out on was Joe Fest in 2004 in Dallas, but that's ok Phil!!!

If you click on the individual picture there should be a description of the year and place.  Some I didn't quiet remember all the venue locations.  There are some great memories with each and every show.  Thanks to Joe!!!

Hope you enjoy....

http://www.flickr.com/photos/15710780@N … 505785668/

Music is good for the Soul...

Re: Pictures Of Past Set Lists - (look out Jane H.)

What a terrific idea David! You've got some really good ones there. I love the handwritten ones best and it's been a while since I've seen one. I have just one handwritten set list from the very first time I saw Joe in August '05. I will dig it up and post a photo of it.