thestepchild wrote:I'm not great at all the big words to describe a show but every show seems top the last. I was in the 2nd row center and as soon as he starts up the stairs to the stage you feel it! I don't want to seem dramatic but I almost get moved to tears by the middle of his shows. Last night it was 45 seconds in to the show. I don't know what it was but you could feel HIS passion in every note.
Who needs big words??? You nailed it!!! I always feel that way too - about each show topping the last. And, why NOT seem dramatic??? It IS dramatic!!! and EMOTIONAL!!! Nice review - I'm so glad you were able to be so close and to be so moved. Thanks for sharing.
historichouseguy wrote:My first JB show, front row- OUTSTANDING! He should of been at the Crossroads Concert with Clapton. We will be seeing him whenever we can.
Welcome to the Forum historichouseguy! Aren't you the lucky one??? First Joe show and you were in the front row??? Good for you! You're SPOILED now though........ burdened with the knowledge of the BEST!!!
Crossroads with Clapton? If I'm not mistaken, I believe that Joe WAS invited, but was previously committed in Europe. (please, someone correct me if I'm wrong.......)
samjp4 wrote:Unreal show. Spike Driver Blues is quite the opener. Many acts would use something that good for their closer, but for Joe it is just a taste and a promise of what's to come. The whole band sounds so good together-it's like these guys have been playing together for their whole life and yet it's only been a little over a year.
Saw quite a lot of different ages there - there were two kids sitting near us who were 10 and 11 years old, and lots of 20-somethings - good sign for the future, eh Cathy? The ten year old told me it was his second show!
It's all good.
I put a few pics in the Cool Pictures section.
Spike Driver Blues IS quite the opener!!! YES!!!! The band is SEAMLESS, aren't they??
I LOVE hearing about the young ones in the audience. THE FUTURE. 
Thank you Sandy. It IS all good. I enjoyed your pics too.
DocJones wrote:Toads Place New Haven CT 8-20-08 My third show, one each in 06 07 08, this was the most impressive show.
WELCOME DocJones. My diagnosis is, you've got the Bonamassabug, and you've got it BAAAAAAAAD. Luckily, that's a good thing...... a very good thing indeed. Take two more shows, and call me in the morning. LOL.
CLrides wrote:Yeah, so this was my ninth show, and I agree that each show is better and better. I've never heard them play that first song Spike Driver Blues before. Joe's skill, soul, personality, talent, emotion, combined with his drive, and marketing program has obviously fast forwarded his fan base. He's not going to be called under rated, or up coming for very much longer by the critics. I never thought I'd be a fan of anyone. Joe, you got me. I'm a fan for life! I'm really enjoying being a fan during this time of Joe's unfolding super stardom. Spread the word of JOE!!!
WELCOME TO THE FORUM CLrides!!! Where have you been??? Ninth show and you're just gettin' here??? I'm glad you found us...... we will LOVE to hear more of your enthusiasm for all things JOE and we, hopefully, will get you even more excited with OURS!!!
Spike Driver Blues is new to the set list. I was lucky enough to hear it in Hollywood first, and then captured it at the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano two nights later. Perhaps you've not seen the video - here's the link:
and, another new member, Michael, posted this one yesterday.......
I think we are all in agreement - GREAT SONG - CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF IT!!!!
I know what you mean about the fast forwarded fan base........ I have mixed feelings...... it's SO FANTASTIC FOR JOE, but, will mean a few sacrifices for us....... but, it IS the greatest time to be a fan - as it all unfurls........
I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.