Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

MORE, MORE, MORE!!! I'm standing on my chair with my lighter blazing. MORE, MORE, MORE!!!

                                                                                                      Think MORE!!!

                                                                                                      J Dawg


What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Fantastic reviews and comments from one and all!!!  Sounds delightful from start to finish!!

Thank you again Geoff, Nightfly, Stevie Boy, Ges, JohnTB, Steelydad, CheshireLass, Vicky, and Eva!!  How nice to read of your similar and yet unique experiences.  Great fun!!

Welcome to you two new members who snuck in here too..... shell651 and valley boy!!  Hope you'll stick around for some more Forum Fun!!!

smile  Libby smile

P. S.  Looking VERY forward to part two liebling.  smile

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

vickyh31 wrote:

The show got off to a roaring start and continued in the same vein throughout, Joe played his heart out as usual and I really felt for him that the venue's PA wasn't up to his exacting standards (quite a bit of distortion close to the PA (probably not an issue for those further back)) he also had some trouble with his category 5 amp and at one point I wasn't sure whether he was trying to cast a spell on it or knock it off his stack - he even got down to his pedal board and checked the connections - not a happy bunny sad


I think his delay had stopped working, whether because of the amp or pedal I'm unsure.... it seemed to get fixed after messing with the amp though...

on the right hand side the PA totally cut out at one point it was quite loud at the front with distortion etc but still sounded bloody good, when it cut out you could here the amps really well so the sound didnt really suffer tongue just a shock when they started working again smile

22 (edited by Geoff 2008-07-09 03:49:02)

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Someone's put up a vid of Woke up Dreaming on You tube of the Liverpool gig. You can clearly see the back of Matt's and Michaels head LOL

Geoff O

Visit my Casino Images website

23 (edited by Stevie Boy 2008-07-09 04:36:13)

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Forgot to mention we had someone with us for the first time and i to remember the open eyed jaw droped expression on his face from the the first time i went. As we were going in  he said "I hope to be entertained tonight " me and Brian just looked at each other and smiled. Isn't it a great feeling when you know what's coming.

Sorry couldn't say hi before gig had to come  from work then leave after didn't even have time to say hi to Joe never mind, Manchester here we come

Keep smile'n

Stevie Boy

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Good to see you too Steve, however brief, see you in Manchester in November

Geoff O

Visit my Casino Images website

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Great review Eva.
Love your pictures.So jealouse of you all.Really wished i could have been there.
November is so far away...
You all have had a great time together.
If I only knew I would have waved back at you!!!

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Everyone has done such a great job on a show review so straight into the set list:

Bridge to better days
So many roads
Mountain Time
Another Kind of Love
Sloe Gin
Highwater Everywhere
Your Funeral, My Trial
Don't burn down that bridge
If Heartaches were Nickels
Woke up Dreaming
Just got paid/Dazed and Confused

encore 1:
One of these days
Asking around for you

encore 2:
Ballpeen Hammer
New Day Yesterday (with the Yes ending but I can never remember which one!)

All I want to add is Joe and the boys rocked and I hope they enjoyed it as much as we did.   There were a couple of surprises - no Walk in my Shadow so Eva and I couldn't do our extra special march for pattyluvsjoe, and the new 'heavier' version of Don't burn down that Bridge that absolutely rocked!  We had heard it during soundcheck but the full all-guns-blazing version just kicked a**! 

We had a great time in Liverpool -  European City of Culture for 2008.  Thanks for making us feel so welcome.

Only 4 months till Bristol ...



Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

"It´s been a Hard Day´s Night - I should be sleeping like a log" ... I can tell you: I HAVE been sleeping like a log tonight lol ... so here´s part two:


We got up early on Monday morning to go to the "Magical Mystery Tour" which is a guided bus tour that takes you to the most important Beatles places around Liverpool (here´s a picture of the bus: … 0638189/). We  had a very funny tourguide who was talking scouse and had a lot of stories to tell about meeting Paul McCartney, about Liverpool football clubs and about all the sights we were seeing of course - we first drove to the suburbs of Liverpool where the Beatles were born and visited all their birthhouses ... my mum and me pitied the poor people who are living in Georg Harrison´s former house (which is not a museum like most of the other Beatles houses),  because they have are all these crazy Beatles fans standing in front of their house and taking pictures EVERY DAY (exept for Christmas Eve...). Of course we also drove down Penny Lane ( … 320638189/) and visited Strawberry Fields ( … 320638189/) - the guide told us that the Penny Lane street sign is being stolen almost every day .... lol
We saw a lot more places and sang a lot of Beatles songs until the tour ended at the Cavern Club at 2 pm. I´m usually not a big fan of sightseeing bus tours, but this one was special - not only because of the fabulous Mystery Bus, but also because of all the places we saw (which was kind of "unreal" sometimes - to see all the places mentioned in songs that you have known and sang nearly all your life...) and because of singing on the bus and everything - it was great!

So after we had lunch it was already time to head to the Lord Nelson hotel and meet the Bonamassa Gang including Matt and his dad again ... we didn´t have to wait for a long time until Rick and Carmine came walking down the street and gave us a very warm welcome - Joe and Bogie came over shortly afterwards and we all went inside to listen to the soundcheck. Thanks for that guys - it´s always a great experience to watch you guys jam and play! Carmine told us afterwards that they hadn´t seen the gear since spring and so they were trying out a few things and did a rather long soundcheck - we all broke out into "Woohoos" and "Yeahs" after we first heard the new version of "Don´t burn down that bridge" played on the gold LP (what a classy guitar! … 8526165/). It´s just amazing to see how they can always add a new twist to a song and how the songs in the setlist kind of "morph" during a tour.

After the soundcheck we went back to the Lord Nelson and met all the other forum members there - it was very nice to talk to you all, even though Tripsy brought up an old and very embarrassing forum story again (you know what I´m talking about Tripsy...) lol.
I went to the Marriots Hotel afterwards to pick up my mum again who had left the Nelson hotel earlier to have a warm cup of coffee after hanging around at the very cold hall for the soundcheck (she said she felt like sitting in a giant refridgerator there....) - we were both a bit tired after all we had seen in this short time and so I was a bit afraid that she would not feel comfortable at the concert (even though she loves music she usually hates to stand around at concerts for hours) - but it all turned out very differently smile.
We got to the venue when the doors were already opened, but thanks to Lyn and Laurence we still got a place right in the front row (I love you for that you two - thank you! smile).

The opening Band played very loud, but had some good moments (and some "shreddy" ones too) - I was a bit shocked when they suddenly called out my name and mentioned that I had come from Holland to see the concert (don´t know where they got that from)! I waved and yelled out "Germany, not Holland" smile. That´s probably when Vicky saw me. Too bad that we didn´t get the chance to meet!

It took some time until Joe and the guys went on stage, because something seemed to be wrong with the sound - but as soon as the epic opening melody for "Bridge to better days" started and the guys came on stage I completetly forgot my hurting feet and everything else... fantastic! Lyn and me were a bit shocked that they continued with "So many roads" instead of "Walk in my shadows" because we wanted to do our "march" for Patty - but we did that during "Another kind of love" instead....
I already said that my mum and me were pretty tired and exhausted by the time the concert started - and so I was completetly amazed to see such a happy and enjoying look on her face, she loved the whole concert from first to last!

When "Mountain Time" started it felt like diving into the deep blue sea, as if every trouble was just washed away with the first note Joe played... it´s hard to find words that don´t sound "over the top", but this song just gets me so much. I´m sure you all know the feeling when your soul just opens up completely to witness true beauty... I feel like every note in this song is so true and beautiful .... I was just floating on music and everything else around me was gone. I could cry tears of joy every time I hear Joe play that song.

It´s just amazing how much soul Joe puts into his music each and every evening - I honestly never saw him NOT put his soul into it.
I loved each and every song they played - there are old favourites and new favourites: "High water everywhere" on acoustic guitar is just another new highlight of the show - unbelievable song, so much energy behind it, I just love the "stomping" blues sound ... my mum stood next to me and shook her head in disbelieve constantly. I was grinning every time I looked over to her to see if she likes it - just to see the amazed look on her face. smile

"Heartaches were nickels" is a piece of art - I was so impressed by the very reduced and soulful solo at the end. I stood there in awe thinking that Joe has now really got to the state where he doesn´t have to show off his talent by playing very fast and impressive solos - because it´s just there in every note, even if he only plays three of them. That´s magic!
There are some notes at the very end of the solo that also appear in the end solo of "I want you" from the Beatles (Abbey Road) - have a listen if you´ve got a live version of that song!
But let´s not forget how awesome fast and impressive solos can sound - "Woke up dreaming" is just a highlight every single time. I have seen Joe play this song quite often now, but I still stand there shaking my head every time, because I still can´t believe it.

During "Don´t burn down that Bridge" (great new rock version!) I just watched the Band work together - Rick played an amazing solo (also on "Asking around for you") and Bogie and Carmine were just rocking the house - great shirt and great sticker, Carmine wink .... here are a few pictures of all the guys, so you can relax from reading smile:

Joe: … 328526165/
Carmine: … 328526165/
Rick: … 328526165/
Bogie (hiding): … 328526165/

"Another kind of love", "Your funeral and my trial" and "Just got paid" sounded just like Bluesrock has to sound - does it get any better?? Lyn and I were doing some marching for Patty during several songs ... I hope the good vibes arrived!
Michael and me often leaned forward in the first row and sang a few lines together ... afterwards he told me that he wanted to check if I knew all the lyrics - I said: "Michael, who do you think I am?! I´m not travelling from south Germany to North England to see a band play if I don´t know the lyrics to each and every of their songs" lol .

I could go on raving about the concert for hours, but you have probably fallen asleep by now or at least nodded of a bit, so I´ll just stop here with saying that it was another show to remember - and I honestly have NEVER seen my mum enjoy a concert so much like that one. She told me afterwards that this was one of the best concerts she saw in her life! When we sat in the plane to Nürnberg on Tuesday she was listing to "ANDY Live" (I had put that on her iPod for her...) and said - quote - "I´m infected with the Bonamassa virus now". smile

I didn´t take too many pictures of the show, because Geoff had his good camera with him and probably took 3 million great photos - I´m really looking forward to see some of them! Here´s my favourite shot of Joe: … 328526165/ .

As Geoff has already mentioned we chatted with Carmine after the show and also talked to Joe before they left to Ireland - there were quite a lot of people standing around Joe - he´s really an UK Rockstar by now! I don´t have to add how great it was to talk to the guys again - you all know what a nice and down to earth bunch of people they are smile ... here´s a shot of Michael, Joe and me: … 328526165/ - we´re all grinning as if it was for our lifes lol

What a day!


On Tuesday morning Michael came over to our hotel to have breakfast with us and of course all three of us raved about the show even though we were completely tired and wasted ... we took the train to the airport together and Michael stayed with us until we had to go to the gate to board the plane back home. Here´s one last picture of two very tired but happy Bonabuddies: … 320638189/ .

I can´t say how much I enjoyed that trip and meeting all you people ...
Geoff and Sue - I can´t write the Thank you big enough ... my mum still doesn´t believe that people who we have never met before drive to the airport in the middle of the night to pick us up, show us around and care so much for us like you two did. Liverpool should be the European capital of hospitality because of you two wink ... We had a great, great time - and if you ever plan to come to Germany, you know who you´re gonna call, right?!
Lyn and Laurence - it was so great to meet you two again, you´re two very special and funny Bondbuddies .... love the English humor! smile
and Michael - what a wonderful surprise to have you with us for these three days, I feel like we´re friends already even though it was only three days - I know why Roy picked you to be his "English brother" ...

I wish I could have spent more time with Matt and his Dad and Tripsy and everyone at the Lord Nelson Hotel .... time was flying!

I really hope to meet you all again very soon - if my flat was big enough I would invite you all to Nürnberg in November .... smile

Respect to everyone who´s still reading - that was one big post .... wink

I´ll have to say it again: What a trip!


Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Dear Eva,

It sounds like you had a wonderful trip to Liverpool.  What a great review, and I love the way you inserted the pics in the story.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  I'm glad your mum had a good time too.

Thanks once again.  I wish we could have been there.   

Susan smile

"Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding"

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Thank You Nurnberg, cool pix. Voy a la trabajar. TTYL.

                                                                                                 Think Green,

                                                                                                 J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Thanks for that brilliant and beautifully written report, Eva! You clearly had an adventure that you will never forget.

I share your passion for Mountain Time 100%, it unlocks doors in my head every time. big_smile

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Eva..........that was such a great review to read!!  I loved every minute of it.  It makes me love the people on Joe's forum board even more!  What a great group of people on this site, thank you for letting us share your wonderful trip with you and see all of the great things you did.
I really love the 'whole experience' written and shared.  It is what Joe's shows are all about, adventure, new friends, fantastic music and a trip you will remember forever.

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Sloe Gin from Liverpool....

Great musicians have a language & vocabulary that transcends the usual barriers & touches us on a more primitive , basic & yet complex level....

...I'll always have London in my heart, and in my soul...

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Eva..I think Libby would give you 5 Gold Stars!!! Thanks for taking the time to give us the details! It's such fun! I told you before your Dad looks like a rock star...well your Mom looks like one also! No wonder you are so pretty! I really got a kick out of all the pics too! I'll see you in September.       Cathy

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

BluesMan wrote:
eva wrote:

When "Mountain Time" started it felt like diving into the deep blue sea, as if every trouble was just washed away with the first note Joe played... it´s hard to find words that don´t sound "over the top", but this song just gets me so much. I´m sure you all know the feeling when your soul just opens up completely to witness true beauty... I feel like every note in this song is so true and beautiful .... I was just floating on music and everything else around me was gone. I could cry tears of joy every time I hear Joe play that song.



I so thoroughly enjoyed reading over both parts of your trip review and show review. And I totally understand your statement above. For you see, it's the same way I feel when I listen to Joe play this artful piece live. And as far as the "tears of joy" trust me, I have shed them too.

Thank You for your insight and for the wonderful pictures.


Well, darnitall, you've both taken ALL my words.  I agree so whole-heartedly with your sentiments about that song and the feelings it well as the tears.   Just a beautiful way to express it, Eva.  Thank you.

Great musicians have a language & vocabulary that transcends the usual barriers & touches us on a more primitive , basic & yet complex level....

...I'll always have London in my heart, and in my soul...

35 (edited by bigjeffjones 2008-07-09 15:10:10)

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

I forget that English is not your first language.  Your prose is soulful.  " Asking Around For You"  is the song that does it for me, to that extent...and I'm an Otis Rush fanatic...

"So Many Roads"  is minor Key MAGIC on top of excellence.


You too Cathy n Libby n Jane n Susan n Donnas n other Susan n the Vickies n Mindy n Tripsy n Angela and Mum n whew...all you hard legs...kiss my ***  Oye mami ven aca!

heh heh tongue

EDITZ:  I think I hurt myself.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Liverpool - City of Culture 2008

Yes great reviews folks, in particular Eva. Sometimes I think the background and details prior to the gig builds up the excitement as you read the review. Great pictures too. glad you got one with Joe. Ironic that I was in Germany at the time you were flying to the UK to see Joe. Maybe see you at the RAH instead! smile

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)