ohiodawg13 wrote:The amazing part of this new legislation here is it doesn't involve texting, but that's on the books up in Sacramento working it's way through the house. The new law prohibits anyone under 18 to use a communication device, hands free or not. Sorry kids!!!
Hang Up & Drive DAMNIT!!!!!!
J Dawg
July 14th 2007. Fairport , New York.
Five, I repeat 5. That's 1-2-3-4-5 teenage girls were killed in a head on crash with a tractor trailer. The driver's cell phone was being used for texting. Her phone was used to send a text message to a friend 10:05:02. That friend text messaged her back at 10:06:29. Thirty-eight seconds later, at 10:07:07, the first call came into 911 reporting the accident... It's moot to speculate if the driver was texting, but the fact of the matter is someone was and the group was likely distracting to the driver if she wasn't...Her friend got no response to that text obviously. How'd you like to be the one wondering what happened to your friend's "phone".
I swear I could lead a life of pickpocketing on people using their cell phones whether for texting, talking, or playing a game, or perusing "who called"...
I'm an exception (although I do not do any 3 things while driving anymore that don't involve listening to music as one and keeping my eye on the road as two, and both hands on the wheel as three)
Just drive. Drive safe. Defensively. Slow down too. Little old ladies may tick you off when YOU want to get by, but likely you'll both survive.
Jeff, calm down, it's not the last time you'll be near death due to incompetent and dangerous driving. Vow to mutter, curse, snarl, and release that big angry fish-and tell the story to vent...Ahh that's better now, ain't it? 
"He still doesn't charge for mistakes!

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“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here. I mean, there are professionals in here.”