Topic: Tempe Center for the Arts

What can I say?  Joe started the show a MONSTER, ended the show a MONSTER, and flat out blew my **** away with everything in between.  Any description I can offer here would be meaningless, this was strictly between me and Joe, and the band, and the other 599 drop-jawed fans that packed this beautiful venue. OUT-FREAKING-STANDING JOE!

Please Joe, come back soon.

Re: Tempe Center for the Arts

Mike if you be my PLOWED brother...

Major Tom to ground control...

Re: Tempe Center for the Arts

Great intro Mike. It must have been some show to bring you here to rave!! Stick around, tell us about yourself and your Joe history! Thanks for posting.      Cathy

Re: Tempe Center for the Arts

Cathy - if this Mike is who I think he is - I have personally witnessed him peaking on a JB induced endorphin rush the last time Joe played in Phoenix.  Another true believer.  Mike said he was dragging some Bonavirgins from Colorado along.  He's definitely Street Team material.

Major Tom to ground control...

Re: Tempe Center for the Arts

Love it that you had such a great show!  There is nothing in the word like Joe's concerts.