I gotta tell ya Cath, if it weren't for you mentioning Michael to me on the cruise, I probably wouldn't have seen him. That gig on the pool stage still gives me goose bumps.....I absolutely LOVED the way he went into the crowd. I got to talk to him quite a bit after that, and he's just a super guy.....very approachable, and very humble.....he kept goin' "Aw, man..." every time I told him how much he reminded me of Freddie King.....
I'm gonna see him at that blues fest in August, and even though it's only about an hour from me, I'm planning on staying in town a couple of nights. See Michael Friday night, go to the dog track Saturday afternoon, see Ana Popovic Saturday night, then drive back Sunday to see John Hiatt at a free show in Pittsburgh Sunday night.....
This has "Lost Weekend" written all over it!!!
btw, I've never seen him, but it looks like Guitar Shorty likes to work the crowd too.....
They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell