Topic: Michael Burks...

Hey that you dancin' down front??

He's playing at a blues fest in Wheeling 8/8..... … green.y=11

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

Re: Michael Burks...

Hey SRV, I see you're from PGH. Going to Hartwood next Sunday?  Tryin to make sure the boys have a nice crowd.

Take care everyone. And if I don't meet you no more in this world
Then ill, I'll meet you in the next one and don't be late, don't be late

Re: Michael Burks...

I saw Michael over a year ago and not knowing what to expect I was pleasently surprised. He had a decent crowd. 6 mos later same venue and about half the crowd. He had a sore throat and ripped it up. I thought he had great tone.

I liked him even though we don't share the same opinion on a certain guitar player we all love here.

Re: Michael Burks...

Michael Burks is a fine player, and I love his stuff immensely. I'm pretty sure he's got a new album out. Kind of like Albert King at warp 10.

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

My ReverbNation page for Dees & Friends - check us out!

Re: Michael Burks...

Pittsburgh Jeff wrote:

Hey SRV, I see you're from PGH. Going to Hartwood next Sunday?  Tryin to make sure the boys have a nice crowd.

Geezzz buddy.....I know I haven't been on here in a while, but come on.....

I haven't heard anything about Hartwood, but I assume it's a Penguins rally??  If so, I'll try to be there.....that triple overtime win was a memory for a lifetime!!

btw, Walter Trout is playin' Moondog's on 8/3.....

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

Re: Michael Burks...

<<I liked him even though we don't share the same opinion on a certain guitar player we all love here>>

Michael Burks doesn't like JB??  What's up wit dat??

<<Michael Burks is a fine player, and I love his stuff immensely. I'm pretty sure he's got a new album out. Kind of like Albert King at warp 10.>>

I saw him on the BluesCruise in January, and I was just awe struck.  It was like seein' the reincarnation of Freddie King.....the emcee even mentioned it.  Then when I got home, I picked up his 4 (I think that's all of 'em...) albums, and I'm blown away by how much he plays like Albert King.  "From the Inside Out" is eerily like Albert's "I'll Play the Blues for You".....

Home boy done good, huh Deeze??

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

7 (edited by cathysiler 2009-06-03 13:49:07)

Re: Michael Burks...

No, it's not me dancing in the video, but if Michael's playing and I'm anywhere nearby, you KNOW I can't sit still. He's one of my fav's from the last two cruises. He's a sweet man and lots of fun.
  The new CD is "Iron Man" and it's excellent. Seems to me that I remember mentioning Joe to him because of a Jim post way back...and , as I remember, he had good words to say about Joe. (Maybe my Bonamassa shirt had some effect).

  He's also one of the few artists I have seen who leaves the stage and wanders thru the crowd while playing. He was the ONLY one that did that at Tampa last year. He's a joy to watch and I hope you all catch a show.     Cathy

Re: Michael Burks...

I gotta tell ya Cath, if it weren't for you mentioning Michael to me on the cruise, I probably wouldn't have seen him.  That gig on the pool stage still gives me goose bumps.....I absolutely LOVED the way he went into the crowd.  I got to talk to him quite a bit after that, and he's just a super guy.....very approachable, and very humble.....he kept goin' "Aw, man..." every time I told him how much he reminded me of Freddie King.....

I'm gonna see him at that blues fest in August, and even though it's only about an hour from me, I'm planning on staying in town a couple of nights.  See Michael Friday night, go to the dog track Saturday afternoon, see Ana Popovic Saturday night, then drive back Sunday to see John Hiatt at a free show in Pittsburgh Sunday night.....

This has "Lost Weekend" written all over it!!!

btw, I've never seen him, but it looks like Guitar Shorty likes to work the crowd too.....

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

9 (edited by cathysiler 2009-06-03 13:51:01)

Re: Michael Burks...

I've seen GS more than a few times. I really enjoy him but there is a difference....GS puts on a show..MB plays the song. Two GS shows and you'll see the same repetitive riffs during his stroll. At the Diamond State Blues show he walked outside, behind the bar, thru the crowd and all that took about 10 gets a bit "old"...Maybe part of it for me is he seems to be at every festival/event around in the last two years...and yet there's so many others I never get a chance to see! But, when he gets down and plays that guitar, it's a treat!! I have two of his CD's and I like to play them and Dwayne Burnside at the same sitting...very gritty stuff!    Are you sailing again in January????       Cathy

(the phantom editor strikes nearly a year later!) wink


Re: Michael Burks...

<<Are you sailing again in January????>>

Not gonna be able to make it next year, which is a shame.....cuz it woulda been nice to break that new ship in right!!

I'll be going again, though, at some point.  That's just WAY too much fun to be legal!!!

I am looking at this cruise for the end of February.  I don't have any false hopes that it'll be on the same par as the LRBC.....that's gotta be the top of the heap.  But I'm a HUGE John Hiatt fan, and spending a week BSin' with him would be like a dream come true.  The man is a lyrical genius.....

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

Re: Michael Burks...

SRV wrote:

<<I liked him even though we don't share the same opinion on a certain guitar player we all love here>>

Michael Burks doesn't like JB??  What's up wit dat??

<<Michael Burks is a fine player, and I love his stuff immensely. I'm pretty sure he's got a new album out. Kind of like Albert King at warp 10.>>

I saw him on the BluesCruise in January, and I was just awe struck.  It was like seein' the reincarnation of Freddie King.....the emcee even mentioned it.  Then when I got home, I picked up his 4 (I think that's all of 'em...) albums, and I'm blown away by how much he plays like Albert King.  "From the Inside Out" is eerily like Albert's "I'll Play the Blues for You".....

Home boy done good, huh Deeze??

Yep. He's from Camden I believe.

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

My ReverbNation page for Dees & Friends - check us out!

Re: Michael Burks...

Cathy just turned me on to this and I can only say 'WOW" cool

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

13 (edited by SRV 2008-07-06 00:21:49)

Re: Michael Burks...

Amsterhammer wrote:

Cathy just turned me on to this and I can only say 'WOW" cool

You ain't seen nuthin' yet, buddy.....

Imagine being in the middle of the Carribean Ocean with him playing that 3 feet in front of you, and the ship (I swear to God...) is swayin' to the beat.....

You need to put the LRBC on yer "to do" list.....seriously.....

Edit:  Check out 7:30 into this vid.....that'll give ya a good idea.....

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

14 (edited by Ges 2008-07-06 04:02:14)

Re: Michael Burks...

cathysiler wrote:

I've seen GS more than a few times. I really enjoy him but there is a difference....GS puts on a show..MB plays the song. 2 GS shows and you'll see the same repeatative riffs during his stroll. At the Diamond State Blues show he walked outside, behind the bar, thru the crowd and all that took about 10 gets a bit "old"...Maybe part of it for me is he seems to be at every festival/event around in the last 2 years...and yet there's so many others I never get a chance to see! But, when he gets down and plays that guitar, it's a treat!! I have 2 of his CD's and I like to play them and Dwayne Burnside at the same sitting...very gritty stuff!    Are you sailing again in January????       Cathy

Many years ago, I saw a local really good pub band playing at a venue where the stage was against the external side wall of the pub and it had a window in it. There was an entrance door at each end of the pub. The guitar player had a wireless system and during an extended solo, left the stage, through the crowd, out the door to the outside, appeared at the window, back in the door at the other end of the pub, back on stage to rapturous applause - playing all the time of course.

Sounds a bit naff now I guess but this was ages ago and probably most in the crowd didn't even know wireless systems existed. It was brilliant at the time.

Edited for a spelling mikstake. I like it right smile

Re: Michael Burks...

Another modest little gem big_smile … re=related

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Michael Burks...

One of the things I love about this forum is finding out about artists previously unknown to me. Michael Burks...fabulous stuff. Looks like I'll be heading into the Amazon again!

Thanks...Tripsy smile

Re: Michael Burks...

Tripsy wrote:

One of the things I love about this forum is finding out about artists previously unknown to me. Michael Burks...fabulous stuff. Looks like I'll be heading into the Amazon again!

Thanks...Tripsy smile

It's like finding a gold mine, innit? big_smile

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith


Re: Michael Burks...

Just wanted to remind those that are close enough to go.....the show's only a month off.....

He's playing at a blues fest in Wheeling 8/8..... … green.y=11

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell