Topic: Wikipedia Link Game
Ok, you've probably all done it. You get a tad bored at your work/school or whatever and you start to play the wikipedia link game or whatever name you have for it .
If you've never played it, basically you get a couple of your friends on wikipedia, pick two unrelated articles, then see who can get form the first article to the second by only clicking on wikipedia links. The person who gets there in the least ammount of clicks wins. (Just like golf eh Roy? )
Anyway the reason I bring this up is becasue there is some cleaver guy who has created a database program that will calculate it for you, all you do is put in the 2 articles you want to find the links for.
For example, to get from Fender to Gibson it would take 2 clicks. Fender Mucical instruments > Jonny Greenwood > Gibson
Here's the link
Try it out for yourself