Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Oh my, dear Libby
Your words are on the money
Truth comes from the heart

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Asleep at the switch
sweet Lord am I exhausted

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

I just love that expression
Big Jeff Jones Kudos!

"Stellar" a word used by Joe Bonamassa (also apt as a description of the man himself cool)


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

asleep at the switch
has Homer Simpson logged on
welcome to Springfield

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

I'm fishin for some Fishstock
Metube es Sutube

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Jack Loves Patty Loves Joe


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

it's nice to have such
patient, kind, understanding
forum family friends

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

blues from the bottoms
a double play on small words
greasy, funky stew

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

I have in just five more days
Cramming hard right now yikes

Advanced diploma
in international tax
European law sad

Final stage of three
Then i'll be free to follow
Joe Bonamassa cool

UK dates July
UK dates November too
USA next year? hmm

RAH for sure smile
Two new albums to get yet
Maybe DVD? tongue

Then - well what then Joe?
Have to wait and see won't we!
In the meantime though smile

Bodelwyddan Wales
R&R for me there is
Facial, massage too wink

Not decided yet
Full body or just half way
What do you guys think? smile

Either way, relaxing
Post exam resolution
What will it be then? hmm

Thats an easy one
Diet, excercise, diet
Excercise, diet............... sad

Eleven stone now
Aiming for nine and a half
Fighting weight for me lol

Study so boring
Junk food not so far away
Thyroid problem helps

Not! Oh well thats life! sad
I will make it to that goal
I've said it here so.....

Wish me luck you all
Maybe not there by July
November maybe! neutral

Keep you up to date
Those of you interested
Those not - please ignore smile


"Stellar" a word used by Joe Bonamassa (also apt as a description of the man himself cool)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

fuzzy wuzzy wrote:

I'm fishin for some Fishstock
Metube es Sutube

I went I played bass
I posted on the youtube
check the doc out there.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Checked you out there doc
Smokin you guys were that day
Was that your bro too?

Couldn't see your face
Too tall for your own good man
Need a hole in stage lol

"Stellar" a word used by Joe Bonamassa (also apt as a description of the man himself cool)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Forty in the bust
Thirty in the waist, thirty
Seven hip, real short legs lol

Not quite how it goes
The song that is, hope to change
The words again soon

would like.............

Thirty six in the
bust, twenty seven in the
Waist, thirty six hip

OK so there's no
Way to stretch the legs is there?
Are you upset yet?


"Stellar" a word used by Joe Bonamassa (also apt as a description of the man himself cool)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

You upsets me yeah
Welsh blood boiling in my veins
love the fighting weight

My encouragement
kinda macho point of view
brains are sexy too

AMEN big_smile

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Well **** me to tears
Vicky, haiku poetess

Vicky crams away
Her reward for tax boredom
The full body, yeah!

Now Roy's got it right
Mind and soul mean so much more
Than mere measurements

Forty in the bust
May be awesome to some guys
But Big Jeff is right

Brains are sexy too
In fact, they are essential
Make mine a double

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

356 (edited by bigjeffjones 2008-06-02 10:45:14)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

vickyh31 wrote:

Checked you out there doc
Smokin you guys were that day
Was that your bro too?

Couldn't see your face
Too tall for your own good man
Need a hole in stage lol

Twas indeed me bro.
a very well kept secret
so I flew him here.

Killer guitarist
played with many a big shot
humble with talent

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Libita still writes
La Novella Doheny
it's coming along

Just wrapping it up
Can't believe it's been two weeks
A labor of LOVE

It's massive it's huge
it's of epic proportion
could break the forum

So sorry so slow
sure needed the distraction
s   o   o   n    - I promise -    s   o   o   n


I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Lokking forward to
Libby's novela Doheny
Breaking records here!

Don't stress Libby dear
No pressure from us your fans
Better be good though lol


"Stellar" a word used by Joe Bonamassa (also apt as a description of the man himself cool)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Ya'll remember me?
I disappeared for two months
Sorry about that

But don't you worry
I still jam out to JB
almost every day

Bought a new CD
just a couple weeks ago
I can't get enough

I still pimp Joe out
like a good lil' Street Teamer
everywhere I go

Just haven't had time
to keep up with the forum
Had lots going on

Planning on Birchmere
Still working out some details
Such as finances

So anyone have
any extra tix they'd like
to unload on me?  wink

Just asking before
I plop my credit card down
Hoping to meet ya'll  smile

--Vik cool


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Today it´s only
One month to go til I see
Joe in Liverpool!

I can´t wait to see
Joe, Bogie, Carmine and Rick
Rock Beatles city...

All you need is love
especially Another
kind of love played live. smile

Did that make any
sense? Don´t think so, but Baby
you can drive my car.

No, I didn´t stay out in the sun for too long. Try make Haikus in German lol !
