Topic: Sunrises on Joe & BB
Great show last abbreviated show for Joe (45 minutes) as he opened for BB.
Walk in My Shadow
So Many Roads
Mountain Time
Another Kind of Love
Sloe GIn
Woke Up Dreaming
Joe was great as usual. Lots of Joe fans there, but being a BB show, there were also many people who never heard of Joe. We talked to people around us, handed out JB cards and tried to let everyone know what they were in store for.
The guys behind us were star struck after Joe got done. They told us that Joe not only lived up to our hype, but exceeded it. I think it was great that Joe broke Woke Up Dreaming out of the vault: That song really displays Joe's talents, maybe more than any other song. I could hear people talking and there was a general buzz in the theater as Joe played his acoustic. He definitely made some new fans. I checked out the merchandise table and CD's, DVD's and t-shirts were moving...many to people who were obviously new fans.
Joe had one glitch during Sloe Gin. Guitar feedback pierced the theater for a good 10 seconds, Joe stopped until it was taken care of and then got some laughs as he shrugged his shoulders, smiled and said "What can you do", or something to that affect. After the song, he went to the mike and thanked "The National weather service early warning system". That broke everyone up.
BB was outstanding. The thing that really struck me is what a great voice he has for an 82 year old man.
Well, I have a flight to catch...possibly more later.
Bill S.