Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Hey fellow counters
Only thirty-three to go
To Newark earthquake


RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

What are you counting
Old West Ham fan in Holland
And why count backwards

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Well, backwards to you
Is forward to the elders
Thirty-two baloo

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

thirty-two baloo?
what's with the hala-baloo
I'm an elder too

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young

221 (edited by Amsterhammer 2008-04-21 16:53:17)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

You know how it is
Sometimes you just can't help it
That damn urge to rhyme

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

222 (edited by cathysiler 2008-04-21 16:17:51)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

George comes to US
Visiting Witch in Forest   
Joe show to end trip         Cathy       (edited for George)

223 (edited by eva 2008-04-21 16:13:58)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Black knobs or gold knobs,
That´s the question that led to
disaster for me.

Eva big_smile

224 (edited by vickyh31 2008-04-21 17:47:42)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Innocent Eva!
"ladies prefer the black knobs!"
So funny you are smile

"Stellar" a word used by Joe Bonamassa (also apt as a description of the man himself cool)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

I tried to behave
got blood pressure and migraine
ready to explode!

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

ready to explode
let's not go down that route Jeff
parents are watching smile

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

translation can lead
to double meanings sometimes
I know what I like tongue

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Hair of the dog bites
Marys bloody celery
Drink not once but twice

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Jack Loves Patty Loves Joe


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

two bloody mary's
that's why you're fuzzy, wuzzy
bite the dog back mate

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

I like dogs thats true
Matter of fact I've got two
Bite them back not me

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Jack Loves Patty Loves Joe


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

I have two dogs too
I also have a parrot
Never bite the pets

They are way too cute
They totally love and trust
Maybe my best friends

They are always there
Always happy to see me
Always make me smile

Susan smile

"Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding"


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

My friend Vicki's bird
bit, not the hand which feeds him -
but her lip instead

Lower lip pierced clean
by the beak of her loved one
Ouch - that had to hurt

I was bitten once
in the face by my Mo Mo
Scared, scarred, but forgave

He was a BIG boy
duffle bag with legs, Steve said
I still miss him so

His sister Daisy
was the reincarnation
of Chicken Little

My pets are my kids
Life would be unbearably
lonely without them

I know someone who
just lost her beloved dog
and you know her too

Grief kills all the joy
Time helps to heal most of it
I can't give her that

From their little souls
Love flows out effortlessly
and fills our heartaches

The loss of that love
brings exquisitely sharp pain
'Til we love again

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

bigjeffjones wrote:

translation can lead
to double meanings sometimes
I know what I like tongue

Lost in Translation
I was - maybe a lack of
Parental control ?!

Eva big_smile

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Bloody hell Libbers
You've made a whole new art form
Haiku poetry

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith