Cars were on the radar ALL DAY today... Its really coincidental sometimes with topics here and things happening around me...One of our friends and neighbors collects expensive cars, honestly God bless the man, anything he touches business-wise just makes money...he bought a new toy and swung by to take the hubby for a ride today. Exiting the street, another neighbor said they should swing by the open house at Terrell Owen's old house that's up for sale because they are running a car show in front of it. I think it was a marketing ploy to get people to T.O.'s house, its been on the market maybe almost 2 years now. Long story short, it was some kind of auto club with Lamberginis, Ferraris etc. something like a time-share for cars...people reserve different cars at different times. AND, one of the guys there was selling this concept of a country club with a spa, pool, tennis courts, condo's, but instead of golf, it has a race neighbor is buying in. The racetrack is already laid and the club house is built...its a place for people with fast and fancy cars to drive fast and store some of their autos on site...There is one in the Chicago area, I don't know how common they are, this one's 35 minutes from Atlantic City. AND, the realtor listing the house owns a Delorean, she hates it, her hubby bought it for her, our friend is going to buy it for parts...he just had his refinished, its hard to get parts for. Lots of car lovers in the world who like to drive fast that have some spare change to toss around!!! I'm just a minivan mom, this is all out of ordinary for me....
Clapton has quite a collection of cars, I don't know how many or what kind, but now I'm 'car curious'. You all know its just a matter of time before Eric and Joe play music together!!! I still think a guest appearance at the RAH would be sweet!
StringsforaCURE~Helping cancer patients one STRING at a time.