1 (edited by Sune Andersson 2008-03-11 06:58:46)

Topic: Set List - Copenhagen, March 8 2008 & Malmoe, March 4 2008

I saw that it was here I could post the set list so... here´s the one for Amager Bio, Copenhagen Denmark, March 8 2008
I'm nott 100% sure but I believe it was the same set at Kulturbolaget, Malmoe Sweden, March 4 2008 but both my son and I think Copenhagen was a better concert.


Re: Set List - Copenhagen, March 8 2008 & Malmoe, March 4 2008

Hi Sune

Thanks for posting the setlist.  It's changed from the UK gig I saw with the addition of A New Day Yesterday and the return of Starship and Wurm.   It's great that Joe is able to change this around every now and then. 

Did you go to both the Copenhagen and Malmo concerts?  What do you think made the Copenhagen one so special? 

Oh, and welcome to the forum!

Re: Set List - Copenhagen, March 8 2008 & Malmoe, March 4 2008

Thank you LynB!

Yes we went to both the Malmoe and Copenhagen concerts and as a Swede I´m sad to say the audience in Malmoe is not the best one in the world. They sat in the bar chatting loud so loud that they were heard during silent passages.
I´m not sure but it seemed like the band played a bit faster and harder in Copenhagen too. Maybe they were more inspired...

Can't wait to see Mr Bonamassa again. I hope it won't be a too long wait...


Re: Set List - Copenhagen, March 8 2008 & Malmoe, March 4 2008

Sune Andersson wrote:

Yes we went to both the Malmoe and Copenhagen concerts and as a Swede I´m sad to say the audience in Malmoe is not the best one in the world. They sat in the bar chatting loud so loud that they were heard during silent passages.

Yeh, I agree that's terrible.  But it's not unique to Sweden, they do it lots in the UK too and it must be hard as an artist to carry on as normal and try to ignore the chit chat going on.  Let's hope Joe returns to Scandinavia soon and that they behave themselves next time.