bigjeffjones wrote:Jane H. wrote:I don't get what you mean by your suspicions jeff. banned and back again?
Since you're probably not the only one who wonders what the hell I'm talking about, here's what I suspect. I suspect somebody we know, (not a stranger on this forum) who wouldn't dare post this sort of insulting, confrontational, pot stirring proclamation under his own username, comes on and show his/her **** just to see what happens. In the last 2 months this is the second time this sort of nonsense has happened.
And then they vanish, banned or not. I can't be the only one who sees this pattern.
Dissent, even be beliggerent, when we know who you are, respect is yours. If you can't man up so to speak and you hide behind some username...I'll ignore you from now on. Not you Jane, but in the vernacular.
The punkrocker Amplify was challenged, did the right about face in his intro and I gave him a hearty welcome and a pat on the back. Then I laughed about Pete making me hug a punker and complained to all who would listen. It was funny, though. 
But it's not my forum...It's Joe's and he's grown. You saw that post one way. I saw it for something else. No harm, no foul to me or by me. Jim works for Joe. It's his call. not mine or anybody else who's not a mod.
If a poster wants back on, all one has to do is reinvent oneself. Waste of precious energy.
Anyway I'm done on this thread.......Michael great vids! I commented there on youtube for you and rated you 5 stars.
This definitely does happen. We actually know some of the people that do it. It's just childish silliness that gives us all grief for no reason. They do it to get a rise out of us, and usually it works.
When there is someone banned, it does block their IP address as well as username so it makes it a tad more difficult to start over. Not impossible, but inconvenient.
Best case scenario is that we end up being like the refs that are assigned to the Super Bowl. If you never see us, then things are going well in the game. If the refs are an issue, too many flags. In order for that to be the case, everyone has to mind their manners. All the participants on this forum have the power to control whether or not there is ever another topic that takes ANY moderation, whatsoever. It's up to you guys. Totally.
Jane, I think you miss the point. Sometimes we are so dead set on having our own opinions heard on a subject we can't actually hear what is going on.
Jim checked the forum. This post had been made. Retaliatory comments had begun. Jim had to go back to work and I was unavailable for the day, so to keep it from going completely crazy while the board was unattended for a few hours the inflammatory posters access was suspended until we had a chance to manage the situation. It might not be a lifetime and forever situation; depends on the person and the further communication. It just couldn't have been allowed to run wild with the poster stating his opinion and the faithful forum members BBQ-ing him (or her). Not good.
If we'd have closed the topic with a warning and gone away, and the OP returned to start a new thread and it got out of control.....I'm sure someone would have pointed out that we should have banned them. The only way that works is if we know we are going to be able to check back in, on a regular basis, to make sure all is OK. It's a no win.
Let's discuss Joe, the shows, the music, the trips, other artists, friendships, news, and other fun items......the things we all enjoy here. That's a lot more fun than second guessing every keystroke that is not our own, don't you think??
“A friend is someone that will help you move............a TRUE friend will help you move the bodies." -- anon